Ashli Babbitt killer will not be charged. NOT EVEN IDENTIFIED!!!!

Stupid motherfucker.

The cop was doing his fucking job protecting members of congeress from Trump's bloodthirsty mob of pro-Trump lunatics.

If they identified him, his life wouldn't be worth a nickel.

Of course even as stupid as you are, you know that.

Anything to bitch about nothing and play the victim.


Nothing like putting it succinctly.
In the past 10 years has a cop that shot anyone black or white that was caught on video not been identified?

Fuck no....and their FB etc page is screened over in the public eye and maybe their address is leaked

If its a black they shot..they are guilty of being a racist killer before their day in court..And when they are found to be not guilty and justified in the shooting, they are still called a racist etc and riots start up

Their life is ruined...this cop that killed Ashil is getting a full pass

If Ashil had been a black coming out of a store with gun in hand charging at cops after robbing the store and was shot by white cop...that cops life would be ruined

The screams would be..Did he have to shoot...why not taze her ... shoot her in leg etc...he didn't do that because he is racist!
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In the past 10 years has a cop that shot anyone black or white that was caught on video not been identified?

Actually yes their names are not always released, a 2 second Goggle search would have informed you, usually done to protect them from those that would try to kill them, oif there was a case for that need the Capital Justified Shooting fits that bill. Why do you need their name is there something you want to do?
Actually yes their names are not always released, a 2 second Goggle search would have informed you, usually done to protect them from those that would try to kill them, oif there was a case for that need the Capital Justified Shooting fits that bill. Why do you need their name is there something you want to do?

These thick headed rwnj bastards are just trying to push their agenda and play the same victim card they accuse the left of playing.

It's obviously tied not only to the officer's personal safety and his family's safety, but to security concerns in general. If some right-wing domestic terrorist group were to get ahold of him and/or one of his family members, who knows what kind of information they could extract from him about Capitol security procedures and how to get around them to carry out yet another attack and this time, succeed in killing one or more members of Congress.

It doesn't take a whole lot of overly deep thought to arrive at a basic understanding of the rationale behind their reasoning.

Just common sense, really.

Something Trumptards have demonstrated they possess none of.
Actually yes their names are not always released, a 2 second Goggle search would have informed you, usually done to protect them from those that would try to kill them, oif there was a case for that need the Capital Justified Shooting fits that bill. Why do you need their name is there something you want to do?

There was no reason to release cop Darren Wilson name to the public...but protestors demanded it

So should they release this cops name if enough people protest burn business and loot
Actually yes their names are not always released, a 2 second Goggle search would have informed you, usually done to protect them from those that would try to kill them, oif there was a case for that need the Capital Justified Shooting fits that bill. Why do you need their name is there something you want to do?

HAHAHAHA. Listen to do this fascist. He says cops that murder conservatives should be PROTECTED!!!
HAHAHAHA. Listen to do this fascist. He says cops that murder conservatives should be PROTECTED!!!

Listen to do????? You finish fourth grade yet?

Lie, but I do believe in making sure crazy far righties such as yourself do not get to go after a police officer that shoots an insurrectionist attempting to enter the restricted areas of our Capital, far righties love to go after those that dare uphold the law or openly do not agree with your insurrection.

Tell us, why do You want to know their name, were you going to congratulate them on a job well done or something else?
Even the identity of the killer is being censored!!!! Doesn't the family of ashli babbitt have the right to sue the killer like all the families of blacks killed by cops do???
Can you really be so fucking stupid that you cannot understand the difference between some looted and burned stores and the interior of the US Capitol building where members of Congress were hiding from this bunch of amped up lunatics carrying hit lists????

Fuck you, deranged retard.

And BTW.... show me your source for supposed "BILLIONS OF DOLLARS in damage", lying fuck bag.

The parody troll doesn't deserve anyone's outrage except his family and neighbors.
Tell us, why do You want to know their name, were you going to congratulate them on a job well done or something else?

As i said, the family of ashli have a right to sue for a wrongful death. Black families do it all the time even when the deceased was super-thug.
It's sad that a 31 year old woman with a great life and everything to live for got herself killed over an asshole like Trump, but she put herself in that situation to begin with.

Why the hell a young, reasonably attractive woman with a loving husband would throw her life away like that is beyond me.

Especially over a fraud like Trump.
I seem to remember her being divorced, but I could be wrong. She was a full blown trump nutter. I'm sure his daily dose of Twitter toxicity put her over the edge. Useful idiot, as it were.

Crowd mentality took over. That shit was a frenzy. Jim Morrison was a student of crowd control. His concerts weren't much different than trump's Klan rallies w/respect to having the crowd in his hand.

When trump skates in the Senate, he should be tried criminally.
Quote Originally Posted by Nomad View Post
Hey asshole..... the cops who shoot rioters weren't the object of highly organized domestic terrorist groups like the ones behind the trump riot.

ironically, the opposite is true.......shouldn't Harris be impeached for inciting the BLM riots?.....
Listen to do????? You finish fourth grade yet?

Lie, but I do believe in making sure crazy far righties such as yourself do not get to go after a police officer that shoots an insurrectionist attempting to enter the restricted areas of our Capital, far righties love to go after those that dare uphold the law or openly do not agree with your insurrection.

Tell us, why do You want to know their name, were you going to congratulate them on a job well done or something else?

gosh, he misspelled something.......I guess that means you aren't really a fascist?......
Idiot. There's video of her attempting to attack Congressional members and staff. Justified shooting if I ever saw one.

if she were black and protesting something you approved of you would be demanding capital punishment for the person who shot her.....