Tamir Rice and the invasion of the Capitol are two very different occurrences. It’s a shame you can’t differentiate.
It's a shame you can't explain it.
Tamir Rice and the invasion of the Capitol are two very different occurrences. It’s a shame you can’t differentiate.
I agree, thinking this will go on for at least a year and I am sure they will manage to kill plenty of innocent Citizens in their warped "Revolution".
I agree . Those Burn Loot & Murder rioters of last summer should have been lynched.
Not lynched, but definitely handled competently, forcefully, and thoroughly (meaning prosecuted fully). Same as with the retards in DC.
Lynched would have been better.
Oddly, we know the names of every police officer cited as an excuse for months of violence and rioting nationwide by mobs of leftists.
Oscars??? HAHAHA You think winning an oscar compares to winning a nobel prize in physics??? Movies are just entertainment and blacks are good at that. They sing and dance and play sports. They put on shows for white people. No intelligence involved.
Winning a nobel in science takes brains and you darkies don't have it.
And you do? Stop living off the accolades of others.
You dont measure up kid.
That's no answer and you know it. You made a fool of yourself claiming it takes as much brains to win an oscar as to win a physics nobel.
please don't try to pass yourself off as a prime example of the white race. you are a dirt bag racist piece of shit.
HAHAHA. YOU are the racist since you support affirmative action and want white people denied jobs just for being white. You can't get more racist than that.
It's sad that a 31 year old woman with a great life and everything to live for got herself killed over an asshole like Trump, but she put herself in that situation to begin with.
Why the hell a young, reasonably attractive woman with a loving husband would throw her life away like that is beyond me.
Especially over a fraud like Trump.
UNARMED white woman shot by cops and the story is buried buy the fake news press.!!!! They won't even give us the name of the killer.!!!
I have sex with a pig.
I bet the two of you spent your wedding night rolling around in mud and pig slop, too.
Again I forced you to resort to changing posts, lol.