Well obviously there are some problems there as well. Most people never pay attention to congressional politics beyond if the person has a D or R next to their name. It's the very reason why congress can have pretty much unanimous disapproval among our population, but people never think the problems rests with their specific representative.
My take on how congress should operate kind of ends this question early. I don't think those in congress should be able to serve multiple terms. I think a big problem we have as a nation are people using public office as a stepping stone to something greater, and congress is rife with that. So I would solve the problem with - again, term limits. If there is any place in government where I think they are needed the most, it's in congress.
And actually, I would go a step further in say that anyone that serves in one political office, can never serve in another, anywhere. Forever. I think that would do a good job of filtering out all the sociopaths we have in government that just want to move up in power.
People already don't pay attention to congressional politics, allowing it to be a massive filter for those seeking higher office only serves to make it all the more ineffectual. I think it would be great if every 2 years we got a fresh batch of people, with no higher political aspirations, doing it only out of the motive of helping their constituents and nothing more.