AssHatZombie's 2000 Mules

You fucking gullible assholes have come up with voting machines not being accurate; suitcases of ballots being delivered; dead people voting; ballot harvesting...and when they were all shown to be have decided to change to "multiple states illegally changed their voting process."

You are traitors...worse than Benedict Arnold. And you have a moron for a leader...a guy who would throw any of you under the bus if it suited his purpose.

Egad. How fucking much of an asshole does one have to be a Trumper? Enough so that the use Preparation H as body lotion...that's how much.

Rudy and so many other lawyers lost their licenses over these claims they knew were bogus. In order to be a GOP'er these days, you have to take your ethics to the dump.
it's a little bit of all of the above.

voting processes were changed without state LEGISLATURE approval.

it's clear cut and unconstitutional.

im sorry you're so out of touch with reality, but that's a you problem.

There are Constitutional attorneys that work for twump. If there was anything to your claim don't you think they'd be using that to keep twump in office?

Serious question: Do you dress yourself?
If that is so plainly the case, why not bring it to court...and watch that bullshit get thrown out with a laugh the same way the other bullshit was?


If it is fucking "unconstitutional"...why not have that legal opinion offered by ACTUAL COURTS...rather than morons on Internet forums?

Why not have the Supreme Court, the final arbiter of that kind of question...decide it, rather than someone named AssHatZombie in a forum like JPP?

Then someone with the name AssHatZombie can offer a reasonable opinion about who is and who is not...IN TOUCH WITH REALITY!

I know.. he won't answer that. I don't think AssHat is kidding. I really think he's a person who cannot accept twump's loss and Biden's win.
courts have corrupt globalist judges.

I have a reasonable opinion.

joe's almost done now anyway.

Then trump will be back, because you cant use covid excuses to cheat now.

yes, padawan, covid exigencies.

You are a nut-case. AssHat...but since you are a Trumper, that is a given.

Only the really stupid assholes have bought into the "rigged" bullshit...even the run-of-the-mill assholes realize it is fiction.
You are a nut-case. AssHat...but since you are a Trumper, that is a given.

Only the really stupid assholes have bought into the "rigged" bullshit...even the run-of-the-mill assholes realize it is fiction.

It's true.

massive ballot stuffing.

funded by zuckerburg.

LOL.. if Ted Kazinski gives you a document are you going to take it seriously? Go fuck yourself, dick.

Ted happened to be quite brilliant so depending on the nature of the document one might very well find some well reasoned review of facts.

But I realize facts are of less import for you than agenda.
All states certified their counts and sent them to DC. All suspected inconsistencies were investigated most of them submitted by Rudy, found to be bullshit, and thrown out. THE STATES DID DECIDE AND CERFIFY. THAT'S WHAT TWUMP WAS TRYING TO GET PENCE NOT TO DO.
We should file 2000 Mules under, we have theories, but no evidence.
Ted happened to be quite brilliant so depending on the nature of the document one might very well find some well reasoned review of facts.

But I realize facts are of less import for you than agenda.

What kind of document from The Unibomber would YOU be excited to read? LOL.

You're right. My agenda is the only thing that matters. I never worry about facts. Glad you got the 411 on me so quickly.
We should file 2000 Mules under, we have theories, but no evidence.

Was that not something. They were actually trying to bully the AZ Speaker into decertifying the vote over NOTHING.. just 'cause "we're all Republicans here".

That fucker Rudy. I hope he burns. Rudy also gave away the names of those poll workers in Fulton Co. GA. Yeah, Rudy needs to go straight to hell.
So, like many trolls here, AssHat claims Biden stole the 2020 election, even though Bill Barr, Christopher Wray, the AG and the FBI director looked into election fraud and found none. Every state where Rudy and his demon team claimed fraud, each of these allegations, no matter how stupid were investigation and thrown out.

These are not libs throwing these things out, these are Republican appointees.

Ok.. so after me asking Asshole to show me his proof he replies, simply "2000 mules". Now all I knew about 2000 miles until now what it was some bullshit theory on Fox News. So lets look at it:

So here's what 2000 mules is:

"A documentary by Dinesh D’Souza, a far-right commentator, furthers the myth that something sinister occurred with mail ballots during the 2020 election. D’Souza told Fox News that “mules” delivered 400,000 illegal votes. Experts say the evidence D’Souza points to is inherently flawed."

Now who is Dinesh D'Souza? He's a wing nut ideologue who made animal and fake crying sounds during the testimony of the Capitol cops. He knows nothing about election law, he's a shock jock, a conspiracy theorist like Alex Jones.

So, Ashat, you're going to have to do better than a theory form a convicted felon.

Hazmat is the JPP psycho, so that him with a grain of salt.