Assholes and idiots;

You have posted that a thousand times. It isn't funny at all, it is childish and stupid.
not supposed to be funny, idiot. it's tragically the way morons like you think.
Trump is a Russian asset. Trump is owned by Putin,,etc -now you want to walk away from that huh?
This is a fair summary of what 80 plus percent of Americans know.

Dumbass thinks Trump will lose n a landslide to a dumbfuck who doesn't even know what office he is running for and thinks he's been in the Senate for 180 years.

not supposed to be funny, idiot. it's tragically the way morons like you think.
Trump is a Russian asset. Trump is owned by Putin,,etc -now you want to walk away from that huh?
You mean the 421 million that Trump owes Russians?

Is that what you meant?
Brilliant signature?

You have nothing, apparently, Thanks for playing.
Now back to our regular slaying of anatta.

So sayeth the douchebag with nothing between his ears. You really are a delusional piece of human filth aren't you jackass.

Brilliant signature?

You have nothing, apparently, Thanks for playing.
Now back to our regular slaying of anatta.
ROFL.. just how dumb can you be? you reach new depths every day.

It was the SPEECHES GIVEN -the "signature" were not "brilliant" whatever the fuck that is supposed to mean :palm:
You mean the 421 million that Trump owes Russians?
that debt comes due during the 2nd term, but even the NYTimes doesn't claim "da Russans" own the debt
( if you are stupid enough to believe anonymous sources with no supporting info released,then you are dumb enough to believe Putin owns Trump - so there is that)
ROFL... where has bombing and droning expanded? Libya?...Oh wait. bombing Libya was under Obama.
Maybe you mean dronimg Pakistan? oh wait..that was Obama as well

How about allowing China into the WTO under a "developing nation" ? oh wait,,,that was Biden

What a fucking moron.
Is this the research you constantly claim to do?

Run away and hid anatta.
Not only are you a troll, a liar, a junkie, an idiot and a Traitor, yiu are the worst kind of evil, a deceptor.

You dwell among the People of the Lie.
I can smell your spiritual rot from here, you are worse than the worst Nazi sympathizer.

[FONT=&quot]Less than a year into Trump’s presidency, the world’s policeman is back, now armed with a Twitter account. Flying largely under the media radar, the US military is flexing its muscles around the world—and in some areas it is going on the offensive. Since Trump took office, the United States has quietly increased the number of troops in the Middle East by 33 percent and there are plans for an “enduring presence” in both Iraq and Syria.[2] More troops and yet another supposedly new strategy are being deployed for the endless war in Afghanistan. US soldiers are fanning out across an archipelago of bases in Africa to conduct what they call “train, advise and assist” missions with nearly 1,000 soldiers in Niger. In Somalia the numbers are also climbing: Troop levels are the highest since the “Black Hawk Down” incident in 1993. The United States has even flown the flag in Europe, as 4,000 soldiers landed in Poland to demonstrate an “iron-clad commitment” to NATO allies. Elsewhere, US support for the Saudi-UAE bombing campaign on Yemen is drawing the United States deeper into that ongoing civil war, and assistance is flowing to the Philippines’ military fight with Islamist militants.

[FONT=&quot]An aggressive surge of lethal drone strikes and clandestine missions led by the military’s elite Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) and a reinvigorated CIA in far-flung corners of the world outside of America’s declared battlefields marks the widest departure from Trump’s ostensible isolationism. This surge signals, paradoxically perhaps, an embrace of both Obama’s drone warfare presidency and a more naked militarization of US foreign policy. In both tempo and geography, Trump’s drone blitz is on track to surpass, by many measures, that of President Obama. According to the calculations of Council on Foreign Relations fellow Micah Zenko, Trump authorized 75 drone strikes in his first 74 days in office, about one strike a day on average, which represents a five-fold increase over Obama’s rate.[3] As Trump’s offensive ranges across zones of southern Arabia, the Afghanistan-Pakistan borderlands, the Horn of Africa and North Africa, it is likely extending to other parts of Africa and Asia as well, further militarizing the planet.

[h=2]Global Drone Surge[/h][FONT=&quot]In one respect, President Trump has no doubt kept his word. Trump promised during the campaign to “bomb the shit” out of ISIS and it appears to be one of the few promises he has kept. Trump inherited from Obama an escalating war against ISIS in Iraq and Syria, but both conventional bombing and drone strikes have significantly increased under Trump as a result of his new ISIS battle plan, whose strategy Defense Secretary James Mattis defines as “annihilation tactics.” According to Newsweek, the United States under Trump has dropped a record number of bombs on the Middle East, roughly 10 percent more than under his predecessors. Trump also loosened rules of engagement that protect civilians and, unsurprisingly, civilian casualties from the US-led war against ISIS will, at this pace, double under Trump.

On March 10, a U.S. drone fired a missile, turning a passenger vehicle outside Janaale, Somalia, into a heap of burnt and broken metal with fresh corpses inside. Whether the people killed that day were “terrorists” or ordinary Somalis is actively disputed. It is also a reminder that the United States’ targeted killing program persists to this day, another legacy of the forever war that has now lasted for three presidential administrations and shows no signs of stopping in the next one. Under U.S. President Donald Trump, however, an already opaque and murderous set of rules has become even more widely applied, and ever less accountable.

As of May 18, the Trump administration had launched 40 airstrikes in Somalia in 2020 alone. That figure is made all the more staggering by the fact that, from 2007 through 2016, the administrations of George W. Bush and Barack Obama conducted 41 airstrikes in Somalia total, according to .


[h=3]Civilian Casualties Are Skyrocketing Under Trump, Don't Forget[/h] › 2019/10/02 › trump-impeachment-c...

Oct 2, 2019 - There are so many reasons why Trump should be the object of our moral outrage, not least his role in the violent deaths of thousands of ...



[h=1]Civilian Deaths in U.S. Wars Are Skyrocketing Under Trump. It May Not Be Impeachable, but It’s a Crime.[/h][FONT=TIActuBeta-Light_web]There are so many reasons why Trump should be the object of our moral outrage, not least his role in the violent deaths of thousands of innocent people


Not least among them are his central role in the violent deaths of thousands of innocent people.
Since his emergence as a political figure, Trump has promised that if he ever attained power, he would use the U.S. military to inflict a massive bloodletting on others, including noncombatants. Unlike other campaign promises, Trump has delivered on this one. Since taking office, he has presided over skyrocketing rates of civilian casualties in America’s many foreign conflicts. Beneath the hue and cry of the impeachment announcement, more people are dying in wars that are being waged as Trump promised, with more brutality than ever.
that debt comes due during the 2nd term, but even the NYTimes doesn't claim "da Russans" own the debt
( if you are stupid enough to believe anonymous sources with no supporting info released,then you are dumb enough to believe Putin owns Trump - so there is that)
You fucking moron.

[FONT=&quot][h=1]Eric Trump in 2014: 'We have all the funding we need out of Russia'[/h][/FONT]

[FONT=&quot][h=1]Eric Trump in 2014: 'We have all the funding we need out of Russia'[/h][/FONT]
Speaking on NBC, Ms Pelosi said the report showed that "this president appears to have over $400m in debt".

"To whom? Different countries? What is the leverage they have?" she asked, adding: "So for me, this is a national security question."

"The fact that you could have a sitting president who owes hundreds of millions of dollars that he's personally guaranteed to lenders, and we don't know who these lenders are," she said, and suggested that Mr Trump may be indebted to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

"What does Putin have on the president politically? Personally? Financially?

1) "PELOSI said"...well, you lost me right there. You do realize how stupid that sounds coming from her, right? I'd believe putin over her, then I wouldn't care.

2) Technically, he doesn't owe anyone anything because he's turned over his business to his sons, and they don't look like they're panicking over "$400m in debt"