"Assume the Victim is Lying"

disappointing. especially when i'm on your side in this because I was a victim.

I am truly sorry to hear that. You should know then that when women are active on rape issues, we help male victims too. It was a years-long feminist effort, that finally got the FBI to change their methodology to include male victims in their statistics, and acknowledging an issue is the first step of addressing that issue.

But regardless, it's an issue that is important to me, that I am active on, and that I simply do not permit to be derailed with "well what about"... all of the legit "well what about" are consistently addressed by feminists and rape activists, and we do as much for male victims, and potential victims as anyone. And the retarded "well what abouts" utilized by rape apologists concern me not one iota. So I simply go on. About my business.
You know, anytime I put up a thread about women or rape, I always forget how many morons there are here that have to be blocked from that thread. In my defense, it's very difficult to keep count. The rape lovers on JPP far outnumber the per capita average in the general population.

A default ban list feature would be great and make the ban list more effective.
the saying about how a society is viewed by how they treat their weakest, or their imprisoned, should be all that needs to be said. when we, as a society, not only ignore, but encourage, prison rape as extra punishment for those who are convicted criminals, then we invite the issues we have now. we have no real right to be that outraged about it, no matter the gender.

Darla, I do think in this case STY wasn't denying that people should be outraged about rape. I think, while it may not have been phrased as well as possible, he was saying it's never justified, and people who joke about "Well, the guilty guy should share a cell with Bubba and get raped" and crap that like are disgusting and we shouldn't tolerate it.

And back to the Op - I'm glad this dept. is getting trained up; while we absolutely need due process, victims should not be threatened with a felony. While I have never (thank goodness) been a victim of sexual assault, I can imagine how traumatic it must be, how hard to report, and then to be told that I might be committing a felony because my story changed as I told it - wow.
And the Forced Ignore? How the hell am I able to prove this shit when I can't see their posts when most of them are in a section that can't be seen? Ignoring hatred doesn't make it go away, neither in Ayn Rand World or JPP. Getting rid of the source of the hatred does. Not only that, but with the mass invasion of troll posts in forums, I can't even see legitimate discussions go on because all I see is this:

This message is hidden because Patrician is on your ignore list.

This message is hidden because Patrician is on your ignore list.

This message is hidden because Patrician is on your ignore list.

This message is hidden because Patrician is on your ignore list.

This message is hidden because Patrician is on your ignore list.

This message is hidden because Patrician is on your ignore list.

This message is hidden because Patrician is on your ignore list.

This message is hidden because Patrician is on your ignore list.

This message is hidden because Patrician is on your ignore list.

This message is hidden because Patrician is on your ignore list.

I agree; there are forums where all I see are people I've ignored - post after post of "ignore".

I do think it's a problem that moderators put people on ignore; it's hard for them to see a pattern of trolling or abuse if they are ignoring the violators...
Know what? My former friend Grind had something to say about me yesterday that really pissed me off, so I'll address it here.

There's a certain group of trolls on this forum, Patrician, USF, ILA, Philly and a couple of others who's only goal is to troll and attack posters they don't like. One or two of them have posted personal information of mine and others.

When I ask about it, I'm required to submit details such as time, date, when, where, how, and so on...even when the matter's been discussed in PM after PM.

I certainly don't mean to compare rape victims to this forum, but the situation is the same. The person making the claim is automatically a liar in the eyes of the authorities (in this case, the mods).

Of course, they're Libertarians and live by the mistaken ideology that the nation, and our little nation, can survive without rules, regulations, and self-governance. This country couldn't survive in Ayn Rand World, and this forum is cluttered with crap from trolls with no common sense.

Case in point: 007 was banned for trolling posts, yet USF, Patrician, and the others have been guilty of the same for a lot longer. None contribute anything to the forum. Ever.

Then there's people like me who allow these trolls to accomplish their goal. We allow them to "get to us" and fight back while the trolls and the mods giggle and slap each other on the backs, enjoying the page hits and drama. Another case in point: The accusations and lies, actually libel, of USF regarding jb, someone who doesn't even post on this forum.

So when I bitch about this stuff, I name names. However, since all the trolls sound alike in their attacks, and since this forum is inundated with literally thousands of posts from the three or four of them in a single day, it's impossible to verify - so I get the wrong one sometimes, or the wrong picture posted, or something like that. It still happened, just another troll did it. But I'm the liar, therefore, can't be believed.

And the Forced Ignore? How the hell am I able to prove this shit when I can't see their posts when most of them are in a section that can't be seen? Ignoring hatred doesn't make it go away, neither in Ayn Rand World or JPP. Getting rid of the source of the hatred does. Not only that, but with the mass invasion of troll posts in forums, I can't even see legitimate discussions go on because all I see is this:

This message is hidden because Patrician is on your ignore list.

This message is hidden because Patrician is on your ignore list.

This message is hidden because Patrician is on your ignore list.

This message is hidden because Patrician is on your ignore list.

This message is hidden because Patrician is on your ignore list.

This message is hidden because Patrician is on your ignore list.

This message is hidden because Patrician is on your ignore list.

This message is hidden because Patrician is on your ignore list.

This message is hidden because Patrician is on your ignore list.

This message is hidden because Patrician is on your ignore list.

Back when Grind was sane, I'd get PM's on an almost daily basis from him lamenting the drama on this forum. He actually told me a couple of weeks ago he was thinking about asking to be removed as a mod for the rest of the summer.

So I told him I'd settle down in attacking back in hopes everyone else would. Yeah, that didn't work, did it Grind with your little post yesterday?

Here's the thing. You don't like drama, don't create it or fan the fires.

How much information in this post came from PMs? And have you ever read rule 1?

And finally. If you are going to accuse somebody of something, it works the same here basically as it would in the court system. You need to show evidence of the "crime", our users are innocent until proven otherwise. We do investigate, and we do take action where it is necessary.
I agree; there are forums where all I see are people I've ignored - post after post of "ignore".

I do think it's a problem that moderators put people on ignore; it's hard for them to see a pattern of trolling or abuse if they are ignoring the violators...

i only have one person on ignore, and the person that is on ignore is not a "problem poster" but someone that personally just annoys me.

but you make a good point
You will not hear about it here. Sexual predatation upon youth is a taboo subject on this forum.

You can discuss the issue, that itself isn't against the rules. But few people are mature enough to handle such a discussion here.
You will not hear about it here. Sexual predatation upon youth is a taboo subject on this forum.

So long as it stays as a discussion of sexual predation of youth you can absolutely hold the conversation here. It's when it gets into details of what the predator has done and the "You're a pedophile because you look at your son's..." stuff, that's right out.

It isn't hard to figure the rule out. Just don't say something like, "<insert name of conservative here> loves to put his <insert something sick here> with <insert child here>." and you'll be fine.
I agree; there are forums where all I see are people I've ignored - post after post of "ignore".

I do think it's a problem that moderators put people on ignore; it's hard for them to see a pattern of trolling or abuse if they are ignoring the violators...

Same here. I had to laugh about it, the other day I clicked on a thread with an intriguing title and it was entirely composed of "so and so is on your ignore list."