astronomical proofs/ heavenly signs


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I have banned a few members who continually testify antichrist Islamic testimonies. I probably forgot many more.i was having another sleepless night, wondering about things I am seeing and hearing [I am just a witness], feeling a little christmasy as I ponder the events of the first advent of Christ Jesus, The Lord. I have recently realized how the prophetic teachings of the old testament had been distributed to the entire known world at the time of Christ's advent. the three "wise men" account of the eastern "magi" has been of interest to me. here is the account of men who were motivated by celestial signs to seek The Lord Jesus. as some may recall; there have been four "blood moons" which have occurred to warn us of the trouble which is at hand. anyone who is cognizant is able to see the acceleration and increased amounts of blood lettings, deceptions and further stupidity of the earth's inhabitants. I found this website and learned a few things which are pertinent to the day... will anyone deny the trouble [tribulation] is at hand ?
Note that Ezekiel 35 mentions their “perpetual hatred” against Israel. This hatred of the Church and the Jewish people, which is so characteristic of Islam, extends back to the earliest times – a truly perpetual hatred.

This isn't true. Islam had nothing against Jews until the Israel took advantage of the power vacuum left by the British in 1948 to invade Arab controlled territory and ethnically cleansed it of its indigenous Palestinian inhabitants. Antisemitism is historically a Christian doctrine.
The Palestinians aren't related to the Philistines. They're descended from Jews and Christians who mostly converted to Islam. The Philistines were Greek and no longer exist.
How the hell is the Euphrates drying up supposed to help a 200 million man army invade Israel? The river bed would still be moist as fuck and would swallow anything that drove through it. And it doesn't even lead to Israel.
Iran is not Elam. Ancient Iran was part of both Iran and Iraq. It's a small strip along modern Iran's coastline. Modern Iran is dominated culturally by the Persians (Farsi), the Elamites have been totally assimilated and no longer exist.
The article is an attempt to reorient stupid protestant dispensationalist interpretations of the bible from being about the Papacy to being about Islamophobia.
Rhyming the word "Babel" with a random similar sounding word in Arabic to prove your point has to be the dumbest thing I've ever seen anyone do.
Pitch is a petroleum product, it is not petroleum itself. The intent of the passage was obviously just to boast about the devastation of some area, not some stupid oblique reference to petroleum. God is that desperate.
This isn't true. Islam had nothing against Jews until the Israel took advantage of the power vacuum left by the British in 1948 to invade Arab controlled territory and ethnically cleansed it of its indigenous Palestinian inhabitants. Antisemitism is historically a Christian doctrine.

Why do people dwell so much on that event whilst ignoring the equally profound schism caused by the Partition of India? I don't recall anybody insisting that anybody hand any land back there.
This isn't true. Islam had nothing against Jews until the Israel took advantage of the power vacuum left by the British in 1948 to invade Arab controlled territory and ethnically cleansed it of its indigenous Palestinian inhabitants. Antisemitism is historically a Christian doctrine.

i forgot to ban you. it is a cain hates abel thing. it is a Ishmael hates Israel thing. it is a light hates darkness thing ; it is perpetual because of the spirit of antichrist in them and you.
The Palestinians aren't related to the Philistines. They're descended from Jews and Christians who mostly converted to Islam. The Philistines were Greek and no longer exist.

the philistines at the time of the writings were the surrounding peoples who the Israelites failed to utterly destroy. they have caused trouble for the inheritors of the land since they received the inheritance. it is the same trouble today. same spirit of antichrist.
How the hell is the Euphrates drying up supposed to help a 200 million man army invade Israel? The river bed would still be moist as fuck and would swallow anything that drove through it. And it doesn't even lead to Israel.

have you ever heard of a rocky river bed ? I live a 1/2 mile from the rocky river. it is a solid rock river bed. to be more specific; it is the Chinese army with other communistic antichrists from the east.
This isn't true. Islam had nothing against Jews until the Israel took advantage of the power vacuum left by the British in 1948 to invade Arab controlled territory and ethnically cleansed it of its indigenous Palestinian inhabitants. Antisemitism is historically a Christian doctrine.

Ezekiel was also written hundreds of years before the false prophet Mohamed [damned forever] came along and ; under the spirit of antichrist, started the false religion of islam
Why do people dwell so much on that event whilst ignoring the equally profound schism caused by the Partition of India? I don't recall anybody insisting that anybody hand any land back there.

I reckon the reason these knowledges are so important and worthy of dwelling upon is because it is these truths that the false prophet mohamed [damned forever] has usurped for the false god allah/ Lucifer/ [satan] and inverted into abominable lies and the entire earth is trembling in fear and blood is beginning to turn the streets red all over the world because of the false prophet mohamed [damned forever] and a world of ignorant dhimmis which have submitted to the will of the devil/ [satan]/ allah/ Lucifer.
Pitch is a petroleum product, it is not petroleum itself. The intent of the passage was obviously just to boast about the devastation of some area, not some stupid oblique reference to petroleum. God is that desperate.

at the time of the writings man had not developed pitch into what we now know as petroleum products.