astronomical proofs/ heavenly signs

Iran is not Elam. Ancient Iran was part of both Iran and Iraq. It's a small strip along modern Iran's coastline. Modern Iran is dominated culturally by the Persians (Farsi), the Elamites have been totally assimilated and no longer exist.

yes . it is a mess. at the time of the writings it was true and it is sill true.
have you ever heard of a rocky river bed ? I live a 1/2 mile from the rocky river. it is a solid rock river bed. to be more specific; it is the Chinese army with other communistic antichrists from the east.

The Euphrates is a silty river over a desert, it doesn't have a rocky river bed.
The Euphrates is a silty river over a desert, it doesn't have a rocky river bed.

I don't know, but; it will happen exactly the way it is written, regardless of my understanding or belief or your attempts to disprove the viability of it. I didn't read the whole article. I only read the part about wise men acting upon the prophecies of the star and the birth of Christ. you can discredit me as a bible scholar; I am not. you can work yourself silly trying to outthink The Lord. you will fail at all attempts to discredit the sure words of prophecy. they are occurring and will be completed.
I don't know, but; it will happen exactly the way it is written, regardless of my understanding or belief or your attempts to disprove the viability of it. I didn't read the whole article. I only read the part about wise men acting upon the prophecies of the star and the birth of Christ. you can discredit me as a bible scholar; I am not. you can work yourself silly trying to outthink The Lord. you will fail at all attempts to discredit the sure words of prophecy. they are occurring and will be completed.

The stuff you are trying to read as a prophecy was never intended as a prophecy, it's just dispensationalist bullshit. You're making stuff up. It often amazes how brazen Christians are about taking things out of context and deliberately distorting and reversing the clear meaning of passages in order to get their point (they desperately want everything to be a prophecy related to end times that they can craft to current events, when in reality there's almost nothing in the bible like that).
The stuff you are trying to read as a prophecy was never intended as a prophecy, it's just dispensationalist bullshit. You're making stuff up. It often amazes how brazen Christians are about taking things out of context and deliberately distorting and reversing the clear meaning of passages in order to get their point (they desperately want everything to be a prophecy related to end times that they can craft to current events, when in reality there's almost nothing in the bible like that).

there are a few people left who are faithful. you should not trouble your self with the things which are foolishness to you. I am sorry I forgot to ban you. you should ignore me and my posts; they are not intended for you. after all, there is no god for you except allah, according to your current testimonies. dispensational teachings are rejected by most. there is a certain shepherd of The Lord's sheep on this website which has denied dispensational truths. as a witness, I broadcast sow seeds of truth. I don't know what seeds may take root in some soul which is beloved of my savior and bring forth fruit unto repentance. I do believe that if you were to defect from the dark side and serve the Father of lights, you would do great exploits in Christ. this dispensation is at it's end.
there are a few people left who are faithful. you should not trouble your self with the things which are foolishness to you. I am sorry I forgot to ban you. you should ignore me and my posts; they are not intended for you. after all, there is no god for you except allah, according to your current testimonies. dispensational teachings are rejected by most. there is a certain shepherd of The Lord's sheep on this website which has denied dispensational truths. as a witness, I broadcast sow seeds of truth. I don't know what seeds may take root in some soul which is beloved of my savior and bring forth fruit unto repentance. I do believe that if you were to defect from the dark side and serve the Father of lights, you would do great exploits in Christ. this dispensation is at it's end.

Why do people dwell so much on that event whilst ignoring the equally profound schism caused by the Partition of India? I don't recall anybody insisting that anybody hand any land back there.

Why are you alwaxs either off topic or perverted?
I reckon the reason these knowledges are so important and worthy of dwelling upon is because it is these truths that the false prophet mohamed [damned forever] has usurped for the false god allah/ Lucifer/ [satan] and inverted into abominable lies and the entire earth is trembling in fear and blood is beginning to turn the streets red all over the world because of the false prophet mohamed [damned forever] and a world of ignorant dhimmis which have submitted to the will of the devil/ [satan]/ allah/ Lucifer.

Read the Old Testamant moron.
Post about what you know about.