At Least He's Clean


Junior Member
That is what Biden says about Obama. He is a good democrat and he has no gold toofs. And he can speak just as well as a white man. LOL

>>about Mr. Obama. “I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy,” he said. “I mean, that’s a storybook, man.”
That is what Biden says about Obama. He is a good democrat and he has no gold toofs. And he can speak just as well as a white man. LOL

>>about Mr. Obama. “I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy,” he said. “I mean, that’s a storybook, man.”

I guess that tells us what he thinks about Jackson, Sharpton, Mosely-Braun, etc. :)
It was a damnfool thing for Biden to say. I think what he meant was politically clean: that is, with no baggage and no known skeletons in his closet. He should have said it that way though.
right; his cocaine addiction skeleton is out of the closet; at least he's honest.............relatively.............
funny thing; ever since braaaack hussein osam admitte his coke habit, no one has mentioned shrubs alleged use of coke.......wonder why???? (heheheh)
That is old news, bush's snootus fruitus addiction has got scant notice for the past few years. His blunders since he took office has eclipsed that youthful indescretion, kinda like comparing a gnat fart with a hurricane :D
Obama has risen since then, so no objective comparison can be made.
That is old news, bush's snootus fruitus addiction has got scant notice for the past few years. His blunders since he took office has eclipsed that youthful indescretion, kinda like comparing a gnat fart with a hurricane :D
Obama has risen since then, so no objective comparison can be made.

don't be stupid, US. it doesn't become you. I thought you may be on of the few who didn't get sucked into the democrat power play rhetoric...
funny thing; ever since braaaack hussein osam admitte his coke habit, no one has mentioned shrubs alleged use of coke.......wonder why???? (heheheh)
"Habit?" From whence do you get "habit?" He admitted to using coke in college. This is old news: it was in his first book. At least he admitted it rather than try to cover it up, like Shrubbie does.

It's not the coke, it's the denial.
"Habit?" From whence do you get "habit?" He admitted to using coke in college. This is old news: it was in his first book. At least he admitted it rather than try to cover it up, like Shrubbie does.

It's not the coke, it's the denial.

Better than having police records erased...
Better than having police records erased...
Yep. :)

Actually, I was doing an impression of a Bushite trying to spin an allegation. Of all the stupida$$ things the Twig has done in his life, doing some coke and then lying about it is the one I care about least.
That was a pretty $hitty thing of him to say. To think, I thought about voting for him.

It was a damnfool thing for Biden to say. I think what he meant was politically clean: that is, with no baggage and no known skeletons in his closet. He should have said it that way though.

yeah. I'm sure that's exactly what he meant /sarcasm off.
It was a damnfool thing for Biden to say. I think what he meant was politically clean: that is, with no baggage and no known skeletons in his closet. He should have said it that way though.
This is exactly how I took what Joe Biden said. What does this say about the people who (projected) took this otherwise?