at what point do we start fighting back????

dont let me ruin your little fantasy of gov does no wrong. you do your own research if you want an unbiased version.

I did my own research and everything I've read says the ATF agents were merely trying to serve a lawful search warrant when they wer ambushed by Davidians.

And since you can't counter with anything other than "don't let me ruin your little fantasy world..." then that must mean you've got squat.
I did my own research and everything I've read says the ATF agents were merely trying to serve a lawful search warrant when they wer ambushed by Davidians.

And since you can't counter with anything other than "don't let me ruin your little fantasy world..." then that must mean you've got squat.
enjoy the guzzle then.
Nice to see you at least admitting you've got nothing but the same tired paranoid bullshit.

Just as I thought.

Another post long on bullshit but short on actual facts from STY.

It must suck to have all these crazy ideas that the Government is out to get you, but be totally unable to back up your conspiracy with anything approaching factual info.
Just as I thought.

Another post long on bullshit but short on actual facts from STY.

It must suck to have all these crazy ideas that the Government is out to get you, but be totally unable to back up your conspiracy with anything approaching factual info.
nice to see that you believe everything the gov tells you. that missing front door wouldnt have really shown anything, would it, nor does it really matter that the media was called before hand to glamorize the 'awesomeness' of the ATF executing a warrant. the county sheriff was probably just pissed that his deputies were not involved, which is why the ATF didnt inform him anyway. but im sure that you're steadfast faith and trust in the federal government ensures that they are ALWAYS correct and that they NEVER lie or coverup things......right?

nice to see that you believe everything the gov tells you. that missing front door wouldnt have really shown anything, would it, nor does it really matter that the media was called before hand to glamorize the 'awesomeness' of the ATF executing a warrant. the county sheriff was probably just pissed that his deputies were not involved, which is why the ATF didnt inform him anyway. but im sure that you're steadfast faith and trust in the federal government ensures that they are ALWAYS correct and that they NEVER lie or coverup things......right?

37 seconds.

That video could only make it 37 SECONDS before completely falling apart by resorting to an appeal to emotion by using the sad voice of a little child supposedly asking the big, bad ATF agents if they are going to come kill her.

I'm not going to sit through two hours of opinion and naked attempts at pulling my heart strings to win my support...when you've got the name of a site somewhere I can go read without the little children asking if they are going to die, then let me know.
37 seconds.

That video could only make it 37 SECONDS before completely falling apart by resorting to an appeal to emotion by using the sad voice of a little child supposedly asking the big, bad ATF agents if they are going to come kill her.

I'm not going to sit through two hours of opinion and naked attempts at pulling my heart strings to win my support...when you've got the name of a site somewhere I can go read without the little children asking if they are going to die, then let me know.
gov guzzler, got it
Well when all you've got to rebut the government position so far is an angry puff piece Op-Ed long on rhetoric and short on actual facts, then yep...I'll take the Government version every time.
How about Brian terry, Benghazi and the Detroit mother I linked you to?
Bit inconvenient, completely indefensible so you ignore them in the hope that the storm will pass?

Claim you have a concussion, worked for Hiliary!!
How about Brian terry, Benghazi and the Detroit mother I linked you to?
Bit inconvenient, completely indefensible so you ignore them in the hope that the storm will pass?

Claim you have a concussion, worked for Hiliary!!

STY claims the Government version of what happened at Waco is wrong...all I asked was that he provide a version free from the appeal to emotion.

If the mother in Detroit wanted people to believe her side of the story, maybe she shouldn't have taken a shot at the cops when they knocked on her door.

As to Brian Terry and Benghazi...well all the facts aren't in, in either case, so I will withhold judgement until they are...a pity you can't do the same.
STY claims the Government version of what happened at Waco is wrong...all I asked was that he provide a version free from the appeal to emotion.

If the mother in Detroit wanted people to believe her side of the story, maybe she shouldn't have taken a shot at the cops when they knocked on her door.

As to Brian Terry and Benghazi...well all the facts aren't in, in either case, so I will withhold judgement until they are...a pity you can't do the same.
this is how you fail.
the people at waco claimed sel defense because the ATF came firing, but the door that could prove that is missing. how does a door disappear? that leaves you two options
1) the feds are covering up their illegal assault, in which case nothing more should be believed, or
2) the feds are incompetent and nothing else should be believed.

so, knowing those two things and still taking the feds report 'any time' makes you a gov worshipping statist of the worst kind. the proverbial sheep.

and the mother in detroit? what could have happened had she done things YOUR way? the kid could have died, but then you would still blame her while blowing the badge wearers. again, you are a little sheep.
this is how you fail.
the people at waco claimed sel defense because the ATF came firing, but the door that could prove that is missing. how does a door disappear? that leaves you two options
1) the feds are covering up their illegal assault, in which case nothing more should be believed, or
2) the feds are incompetent and nothing else should be believed.

so, knowing those two things and still taking the feds report 'any time' makes you a gov worshipping statist of the worst kind. the proverbial sheep.

and the mother in detroit? what could have happened had she done things YOUR way? the kid could have died, but then you would still blame her while blowing the badge wearers. again, you are a little sheep.

How does a door disappear?

You forgot 3)

Why, I bet it burned up in the conflagration that ended the standoff.

Of course, if there was any proof to be had, then the Davidians could have REMOVED said door from it's hinges at ANY TIME and replaced it with another, giving them some evidence to corroborate their claim that the ATF fired first...only they DIDN'T, did they?

Or maybe they could have taken some PICTURES of said door to corroborate their claim about the ATF firing first...only they DIDN'T did they?
How does a door disappear?

You forgot 3)

Why, I bet it burned up in the conflagration that ended the standoff.

Of course, if there was any proof to be had, then the Davidians could have REMOVED said door from it's hinges at ANY TIME and replaced it with another, giving them some evidence to corroborate their claim that the ATF fired first...only they DIDN'T, did they?

Or maybe they could have taken some PICTURES of said door to corroborate their claim about the ATF firing first...only they DIDN'T did they?
this is perfect proof that you didnt even bother to research anything. you just adoringly accepted the fabulous DOJ report. FYI, the 'door' was a two door entryway, left side and right side. only one portion was missing, which tells us that it didn't burn up, it certainly didn't get replaced by the davidians since they were UNDER SIEGE, and would YOU think about taking pictures of a door while under siege by automatic weapons and snipers???? and you wonder why your idiotic idea about magnets in the ceiling was ridiculed?
this is perfect proof that you didnt even bother to research anything. you just adoringly accepted the fabulous DOJ report. FYI, the 'door' was a two door entryway, left side and right side. only one portion was missing, which tells us that it didn't burn up, it certainly didn't get replaced by the davidians since they were UNDER SIEGE, and would YOU think about taking pictures of a door while under siege by automatic weapons and snipers???? and you wonder why your idiotic idea about magnets in the ceiling was ridiculed?

Your desperate attempts at painting the government as the bad guys is sad...really.

So "only one portion was missing" and that supposedly tells us that it didn't burn up.

WRONG...ALL IT PROVES is one side was missing after the fire.

So were the Davidians "under siege" constantly 24/7 for the ENTIRE 51 days?

There were no occasions when the ATF got on the phone with the Davidians and tried to reason with those inside?

A door could be easily replaced or some photos taken during one such lull.

See how easily your anti-Government bullshit can be picked apart?

And've STILL provided NOTHING but anecdotal evidence to back your claims...more proof you're just angry someone dares to question your version of events.

You are so ready and willing to lap up all the lies told by Bible Thumping Gun Nut Davidians merely trying to keep their butts out of the Pen.