
The only group dedicated to fighting something they swear doesn't exist. Enough said.
Lol, they will treat you better when you treat Muslims and Jews better. See, Atheist don’t fight, they defend themselves against the idea that all people should believe the same thing.
Lol, they will treat you better when you treat Muslims and Jews better. See, Atheist don’t fight, they defend themselves against the idea that all people should believe the same thing.

Christians do not believe everyone should believe the same thing. You are free to believe whatever you want, despite the fact that we were nice enough to warn you about the consequences of rejecting God.
Lol, they will treat you better when you treat Muslims and Jews better. See, Atheist don’t fight, they defend themselves against the idea that all people should believe the same thing.

don't be silly........they argue against people who believe something, while pretending that what they believe is not a belief........they are the epitome of irrationality.......
Christians do not believe everyone should believe the same thing. You are free to believe whatever you want, despite the fact that we were nice enough to warn you about the consequences of rejecting God.
Lol, thanks for making my case. Believe or be eternally tortured.
People brought up in superstition sometimes define themselves in its terms. They grow out of it.

Why do you persist in this delusion that the only people who are Christians were raised that way? Between 1/3 and 1/2 of Christians are converts. They were not indoctrinated. They looked at the evidence and decided to become a Christian. Most of them did so between the age of 21 to 50 years old.
Lol, thanks for making my case. Believe or be eternally tortured.

If you burn in hell it's because you decided to do so. Jesus provided a way out. It's completely free. No strings attatched. All you have to do is tell God you are sorry for your sin and accept Jesus as Lord of your life. It's that simple.
I Googled it. There are quite a few that you can join. So yes. They are organized. And they do not scare me. If God is for me, who can be against me? God is sovereign. You can fight Him until your last breath. It will avail you nothing. Fool

This poor guy has really lost it.
I don't care if he worships his god, but why can't he shut the fuck up about it?

Trying to convince yourself, Grugore?
That's fine, but nobody with a triple digit IQ gives a fat fuck.
don't be silly........they argue against people who believe something, while pretending that what they believe is not a belief........they are the epitome of irrationality.......

Using God as an excuse for everything is a cop out!

Crediting God with creating the heavens and Earth, man and woman, and all things that walk this earth, is like an excuse for not looking for more intelligent scientific explanations and theories.

What did God do- go Abra Cadabra- raise his magic wand and it all just magically appeared? Or did he/she/it wiggle their nose- like Bewitched?

I usually go with the most logical explanation of all things.

I mean, did God create man? Or did man create God? Man Created God- is the more logical answer for me.

Because Man created Santa Clause, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy for all the same reasons!

It's one of those- "Be Good and you'll be richly rewarded for it" things!

Or the real spicy version of it- "Here! Fly these 757's into these buildings, and you'll have 16 beautiful 16 YO virgins waiting to fuck you in heaven" sort of things!

Really? DO tell us about your religion! LOL!
This poor guy has really lost it.
I don't care if he worships his god, but why can't he shut the fuck up about it?

Trying to convince yourself, Grugore?
That's fine, but nobody with a triple digit IQ gives a fat fuck.


Nov 7th 2018 Thousand Oaks, California
The mother of one of the 12 people killed at a country music bar in southern California makes a desperate plea for gun control. ‘I don’t want prayers, I don’t want thoughts, I want gun control,’ Susan Orfanos said she wants Congress to ‘pass gun control so no one else has a child that doesn’t come home’

Nov. 13, 2018
Thousand Oaks, California has been through a lot lately and its problems are not over yet. The Woolsey Fire broke out on November 08, 2018 and has already consumed 99,815 acres as of November 12. The cause of this blaze is still under investigation by authorities.


So the caravan left Central America due to the sins of their least of their brethren?


If prayers hold power ... do anti-prayers convey power too?
Why do you persist in this delusion that the only people who are Christians were raised that way? Between 1/3 and 1/2 of Christians are converts. They were not indoctrinated. They looked at the evidence and decided to become a Christian. Most of them did so between the age of 21 to 50 years old.

I don't think my post means what you say. Christianity is on thing, American religion another and 'atheism' a third. I was brought up a Christian socialist but find the notion 'God' less and less compatible with what we know of the universe. I don't see why, however, I should label myself as if I were living in the middle Nineteenth Century, nor at any time have I used the term 'atheist' for anyone. It seems superstitious to think that way, and most people don't, unless they were brought up to it.
There is an important distinction here. God does not send people to hell for not believing in Him. He does so because they believe yet reject Him.
You are allowed to believe as you wish. History shows religions come and go, each believing they have the truth.