
lol.....random shit happening your intelligent scientific explanation.......

Hey, just the thought of Relative Theory, Black Holes, quantum physics, and String theories, are all above my intelligence level and I probably didn't have the prerequisites to learn and understand that stuff.

I was probably playing guitars, and chasing girls with muscle cars, and other stuff like making a career for myself instead of thinking about all that in the days of my youth!

But, I know if you want to know the secrets of the universe, you better plan on studying that kind of stuff.

I also know that the Bible has a one-liner explanation that I can't really grasp- and that is- God created the heavens and Earth!
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close......I think the bush was burned and the stone was carved by the same guy........

OK! Moses? So, Moses put out the burning bush and through God's hand carved the 10 Commandments! Gotcha! Been There! Done That!

Here's the deal on Moses- Moses had a problem alright- Moses was made up too! Moses was a symbol of freedom, the very beginnings of a Free Nation and a Free People whose Exodus story was passed through many generations by word-of-mouth- and Moses ended up being his name! But as Moses was seen as a Freedom Fighter to the Hebrews, he was also seen as a terrorist by the Egyption Community of a sort. So Moses is a fictitious character that was the Father Of Freedom and the Father Of Terrorism- depending on your religion.

Yet, outside of biblical scripture, there is next to no evidence in the archaeological and historical record of Moses's existence. There is no exact time frame for when the events of Exodus may have occurred -- with scholarly conjecture spanning more than half a millennium. Nor do we know the identity of the villainous Pharaoh in the Bible, cast in films repeatedly as Ramesses II. That pharaoh is famed for his conquests and building projects. But in their digs and readings of inscriptions and papyrus, historians have found no trace of Moses under Ramesses's reign.

So,without any kind of proof that Moses ever existed, this Moses and the 10 Commandment story just becomes another one of those "No Pics- It's Not True", "Fake News" kind of things that most people understand, but yet so many people still seem as if they are challenged to comprehend it and take it all in!

Nothing ever written in the scrolls that were interpreted to end up being further translated into Old English to become what we know of as the Old Testament is not to be taken literally. The Old Testament is all Folk Stories of that era passed on through the last 20,000 years and starting 1000's of generations ago at the very dawning of civilization on Earth, and ending sometime before the Birth of Christ.

Hey! You may have to just trust me on this one! LOL!
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You are allowed to believe as you wish. History shows religions come and go, each believing they have the truth.

The First thing to recognise about the subject matter, "Does the soul die" is that there are few places to seek the definition.

I heard it say, "Many religions teach that the soul is immortal and that it never dies." ---But where does it say that?????????????????

But where does it say that?????????????????

There are un-doubtedly "inferences" written into the three main scriptures of the world, the Koran, the Judeo-Christain Bible, and the Vedic Literatures.

I can attest that I have read in scriptures, where it is exhaustively explained in-depth, what the definition of the "soul" is. ... but I don't know where in the Bible nor in the Koran where the Soul is discussed nor defined, I don't know where and why not the nature of the Soul is not discussed.

Here my contribution to this topic:

"We are not the body, we are spirit-souls ---in the material world"

When the Jesus Died and Rose again ---he illustrated the above maxim.

That "learning moment" illustrated in Jesus Crist's pastime shows the soul lives on after this life time ---that indicates "Transmigration-of-the-soul" ---this is an elementary lesson that the Brute status of society of Christ's era had no merit to have known ---if not for the causeless Mercy of Christ's pastime in the Square of Public Opinion of Rome's world society.


The Lord said, "Whenever and wherever there is a decline in religious practice, and a predominant rise of irreligion--at that time I descend Myself." (Bg 4.7)

The rule of thumb has been written:
God advents and preaches, as per "Time and Place" ---as per the conditions of the persons living in that "Time and Place".

There are 3 checks: Guru, Sadhu and Sastra [mentor, mentor(s) and scripture/text books] and these three are routinely cited when proclaiming any Truths...
The only group dedicated to fighting something they swear doesn't exist. Enough said.

All that is required to be correctly classified as an atheist is that a person lack a positive belief in a god or god(s). It says nothing of if they wish to dedicate themselves to fighting anyone or anything. Your statement is frankly, full-of-shit.

The atheists that do decide to "fight" aren't fighting your fictitious god(s). They are defending themselves from you. They are telling you to keep your bullshit to yourself, and not force it on others.
Christians do not believe everyone should believe the same thing. You are free to believe whatever you want, despite the fact that we were nice enough to warn you about the consequences of rejecting God.

That's not being nice. It's being insane.
don't be silly........they argue against people who believe something, while pretending that what they believe is not a belief........they are the epitome of irrationality.......

Some atheists do have beliefs (that no god exists). Some don't. Those that do are called strong atheists (a.k.a. gnostic, positive, hard). Those that simply lack a positive belief in a god(s) are called weak atheists (a.k.a. agnostic, negative, soft). The latter is all that is required to be an atheist, so what you said is bullshit.
There is an important distinction here. God does not send people to hell for not believing in Him. He does so because they believe yet reject Him.

Yet, your god, being omniscient knows that you will reject him when he creates you. This makes him a huge asshole. This also negates the possibility of his being omnibenevolent. .'. your god can't exist.
Some atheists do have beliefs (that no god exists). Some don't. Those that do are called strong atheists (a.k.a. gnostic, positive, hard). Those that simply lack a positive belief in a god(s) are called weak atheists (a.k.a. agnostic, negative, soft). The latter is all that is required to be an atheist, so what you said is bullshit.

you've made the identical argument before under a different name......atheists hate being alone so they like to pretend their numbers include the agnostics and the apathetic......all atheists are numbers, in logic, in argument.....stop whining and live with it......
Yet, your god, being omniscient knows that you will reject him when he creates you. This makes him a huge asshole. This also negates the possibility of his being omnibenevolent. .'. your god can't exist.

no....he knew I would accept him.....he knew YOU would reject him.....that makes you the asshole, not him......
All that is required to be correctly classified as an atheist is that a person lack a positive belief in a god or god(s). It says nothing of if they wish to dedicate themselves to fighting anyone or anything. Your statement is frankly, full-of-shit.

The atheists that do decide to "fight" aren't fighting your fictitious god(s). They are defending themselves from you. They are telling you to keep your bullshit to yourself, and not force it on others.

All that is required to be an "atheist" is for a person to decide to use "atheist" as a descriptor.

The descriptor "atheist" is bullshit...meaningless, because it means so many different things to different people.

As for all this "believing"...on the question of whether or not there are gods involved in the REALITY of existence...all one can do is to make a blind guess.

If you want to call your blind guess a "belief"...fine; it is still nothing more than a blind guess. So...blindly guess there is at least one GOD...or blindly guess there are none, if you must.

Much better not to make useless guesses, though.