"Attack" on US Capitol in progress

Fuck off you racist gasbag; every time it's a black it's mental illness. But if it's a white man, he's a Trump supporting White Supremacist.


That seems to be the applied formula.
Dear fucking idiots

His Facebook post show the things I’m telling you

It was suicide by cop

He was despondent and begged for spiritual guidance

Facts you worthless Russo bot holes who smell of borscht

Fuck you very much
Why would I have spit on him he wasn’t dealing drugs and didn’t threaten me

Floyd right from the beginning begged to not be killed

It’s right on tape

This insane kid attacked the cops

You righties confuse your own asses so quickly
he wasn’t dealing drugs and didn’t threaten me

You have no evidence that the black man you bragged about spitting on was dealing drugs or threatening you.

You recall accusing a black man of being a drug dealer, assaulting him (instead of calling the police) and admit that you treated a white man differently?
Let's keep cars, knives, guns, pizza, Scotch, condoms--whatever we want,

but let's get rid of our trumpanzees to make room for more refugees,
future Democratic-registered citizens.

Now that we've got that solved, what's next on the docket?
Pretty funny thread, if you take out "copy and paste's" responses to his own thread including his other titles you'd have about a dozen posts left, and the majority of them are from the Red Hat Club, classic comedy nearly every time
Pretty funny thread, if you take out "copy and paste's" responses to his own thread including his other titles you'd have about a dozen posts left, and the majority of them are from the Red Hat Club, classic comedy nearly every time

Yet here you are.
Let's keep cars, knives, guns, pizza, Scotch, condoms--whatever we want,

but let's get rid of our trumpanzees to make room for more refugees,
future Democratic-registered citizens.

Now that we've got that solved, what's next on the docket?

Let’s just kill fucks news

And treat the brainwashed