The thing i mentioned about building an electric plant to supply them with the electricity that they will need to run their heaters for 3 straight years to get the temperature of the Shale to above 700 degrees F, where the oil separates reminded me of something local.....that i just found out the history on...which really made me think about how we were as a country way back when....
I live near the Penobscot River's mouth/right next to the Penobscot bay...
Our Electric Company, central Maine Electric....back in the early 1900's paid for and put in a Dam up river to supply the locals with electricity....then after they did this, they realized that they could generate soooo much more electricity than the area's people could consume.
So the Electric Company itself, built a Paper Mill down stream of the Electric Plant and bought up a whole bunch of forest land in the nowhere areas of the state, townships they are called here, so that they could sell their electricity left over, to themselves at this paper plant that they also owned....with the result of also bringing in more people in to the region to work and thus live, and thus use their electricity for their homes.
Very Smart imho....
their first client was Time Magazine, they made the magazine quality paper for TIME, and to this day they still have the TIME contract for most of their magazine paper though the Electric company sold off the papermill at a later date for a huge profit....
And on another note, even when the electric company put in the Papermill and bought up the land for the lumber to supply it, from the very beginning it was noted as a smart logger....always used best conservation practices to acquire the wood for their paper....even back then it was a concern of the Mainers that their state would be stripped of its resourse....its forests and the electric company wanted to be a "do gooder" with the community and to draw others in to moving in to the they began on the right foot.
Today, this plant is noted as one of the cleanest and greenest papermills in the world and is owned by Verso International Paper.... there is absolutely no "papermill smell" that comes out of it....I DON'T know how they do it??? The papermills in Florida stunk to high heaven....
Anyway, i know that was off topic....sorry about that....
but it certainly falls in to play with the movie Field of Dreams in a way....if you build it, they will come....
thus the history of the expansion of the region I live in!