Attempt to rekindle Domestic Oil Drilling...

Other then? No, you are mistaken on that one. On the later, I confess, I am not here to display my superior grammatical skills for your critique. As I said, if you have a bee in your bonnet, let's hear about it! Otherwise, you are just a bunch of hot air with nothing to say and no point to make, and you should probably spend your time elsewhere. You are boring me now, so I will ignore you.

That's right, AVOID the issue. You got called out and weren't up to the challenge. Bite me, moron.
HUH? we have released them before and it lowered oil per barrel to $10 bucks for a short time...

It will most certainly lower the price of oil temporarily and when the price of oil drops we start buying the reserves again, refilling the caufers at a lower cost...saving tax payers money all around...?
The purpose of the reserve is NOT to buffer price shocks, but to buffer against supply disruptions with the specific purpose of fueling our military in a time of crisis. Just because it was misused under the Clinton Administration does not give us license to misuse it now.
they are not releasing reserves, supply and demand is not a strategic crissis especially if turbo-libs aren't willing to drill. This is COMICAL
Even if it is released, is there sufficient refining capacity available to bring it to market? Considering that we import distilled product from Venezuela already, I would hazard a guess that the capacity does not exist, domestically, to bring it to market.

It would be a useless, hollow gesture accomplishing nothing, like most actions of the democrat party.
The purpose of the reserve is NOT to buffer price shocks, but to buffer against supply disruptions with the specific purpose of fueling our military in a time of crisis. Just because it was misused under the Clinton Administration does not give us license to misuse it now.

It was not misused under anyone else ? Just Clowntoon ?
If you know of releases that do not fall into a supply disruption 'theme,' please feel free to elucidate. You are, of course, smart enough to distinguish between disruption (e.g, 1979 Iranian embargo) and price spike.
* June 2006 - exchanged 750 thousand barrels of sour crude with ConocoPhillips and Citgo due to the closure for several days of the Calcasieu Ship Channel to maritime traffic. The closure resulted from the release of a mixture of storm water and oil. Action was taken to avert temporary shutdown of both refineries.
* January 2006 - exchanged 767 thousand barrels of sour crude with Total Petrochemicals USA due to closure of the Sabine Neches ship channel to deep-draft vessels after a barge accident in the channel. Action was taken to avert temporary shutdown of the refinery.
* Sep/Oct 2005- exchanged 9.8 million barrels of sweet and sour crude due to disruptions in Gulf of Mexico production and damage to terminals, pipelines and refineries caused by Hurricane Katrina.
* Sep/Nov 2004 - exchanged 5.4 milliion barrels of sweet crude due to disruptions in the Gulf of Mexico caused by Hurricane Ivan.
* Sep/Oct 2004 - exchanged 5.4 million barrels in response to physical shortages of crude oil supplies in the Gulf of Mexico following Hurricane Ivan.
* Oct 2002 - exchanged 296,000 barrels with Shell Pipeline Co. to secure Capline storage tanks in advance of Hurricane Lili.
* Sep/Oct 2000 - exchanged 30 million barrels in response to concern over low distillate levels in Northeast.
* July/August 2000 - exchanged 2.8 million barrels of crude oil for 1st-year tank storage and stocks for 2 million barrel Northeast Home Heating Oil Reserve.
* June 2000 - exchanged 500,000 barrels each with CITGO and Conoco, due to blockage of the ship channel that allowed incoming crude oil shipments to those refineries. Action taken in order to avert temporary shutdown of both refineries.
* August 1998 - exchanged 11 million barrels of lower quality Maya crude in SPR with PEMEX for 8.5 million of higher quality crude (more suitable for U.S. refineries)
* April/May 1996 - exchanged 900,000 barrels of SPR crude with ARCO to resolve company's pipeline blockage problem.

From same link above.
# 2005 Hurricane Katrina Sale - 11 million barrels
# 1996-97 total non-emergency sales - 28 million barrels
# 1990/91 Desert Shield/Storm Sale - 21 million barrels
(4 million in August 1990 test sale; 17 million in January 1991 Presidentially-ordered drawdown)
I stand (somewhat) corrected.

Katrina was OK. There was supply chain disruption.
1996-1997 = not OK at all.
1990-1991 = marginal at best.

Yikes, the bastages have been playing games with this for far too long!
this is comical turbo libs are crying for millions of barrells for temp relief.
We can easily get BILLIONS by doing what we already do safely. Drill in the outer continental (without going into Alaska). California has infrastructure in place where it would be pumping oil in a year or two. Oil would be below $100 by this Fall.
I stand (somewhat) corrected.

Katrina was OK. There was supply chain disruption.
1996-1997 = not OK at all.
1990-1991 = marginal at best.

Yikes, the bastages have been playing games with this for far too long!

Yep, and I suspect sell cheap and buy high to benefit the oil companies as well.

Our tax dollars are supporting big oils just in time hanging on the edge system.
HUH? we have released them before and it lowered oil per barrel to $10 bucks for a short time...

It will most certainly lower the price of oil temporarily and when the price of oil drops we start buying the reserves again, refilling the caufers at a lower cost...saving tax payers money all around...?

releasing the oil reserves is a really bad idea. It will do nothing to improve refinining capacity and thus gas prices will remain where they are. Right now the price of oil is far more likely to shift based on future LONG term oil supply than it is from a known short term band aid.

You want oil to drop?

1) Increase drilling of nat gas and oil domestically so that we quit shipping billions each year to foreign countries AND so that we have greater control of supply.

2) Increase investments in alt energy, wind, solar etc... and use that to replace nat gas electric production and then use the nat gas in more vehicles to reduce gasoline/oil demands.

Neither of these will bring on a replacement in the short term, but BOTH will hammer the long term futures prices of oil and will subsequently reduce the current spot price. Which in turn will drive speculators from bullish to bearish positions on oil.
releasing the oil reserves is a really bad idea. It will do nothing to improve refinining capacity and thus gas prices will remain where they are. Right now the price of oil is far more likely to shift based on future LONG term oil supply than it is from a known short term band aid.

You want oil to drop?

1) Increase drilling of nat gas and oil domestically so that we quit shipping billions each year to foreign countries AND so that we have greater control of supply.

2) Increase investments in alt energy, wind, solar etc... and use that to replace nat gas electric production and then use the nat gas in more vehicles to reduce gasoline/oil demands.

Neither of these will bring on a replacement in the short term, but BOTH will hammer the long term futures prices of oil and will subsequently reduce the current spot price. Which in turn will drive speculators from bullish to bearish positions on oil.
Swapping over to more efficient vehicles as well to drop demand.

I support a substantial guzzler tax with corps exempt to kick in in about 3 years.
Swapping over to more efficient vehicles as well to drop demand.

I support a substantial guzzler tax with corps exempt to kick in in about 3 years.

Why is the Liberal answer to everything a fucking tax? This would not solve the problem of high oil prices, it would only burden people further with excessive taxation on top of already high gas prices. Here's a tax idea for ya... since all those do-gooder liberals in California have switched over to solar power and electric cars, and no longer contribute to the fuel taxes we all have to pay, let's pass a tax on them! If they can afford hybrid cars and solar arrays, they can certainly afford to pay a few bucks more in tax, right?

No, you aren't "for" that, because you like what they are doing. Taxation is not a means to generate capital revenue for you, it is a way to punish those you don't agree with or have jealousy toward. You're just a Fascist little bastard, admit it! You want to punish people who drive cars you think aren't efficient enough, because this makes you feel like you did something to make a difference.
Well my other main Tax idea is to tax everyone who voted for bush to pay for the Iraq war.

Lets call it a stupidity tax.
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Why is the Liberal answer to everything a fucking tax?

Cause 99% don't have a pot to piss in, Gates Soros and Buffet are the other 1%
Why is the Liberal answer to everything a fucking tax?

Cause 99% don't have a pot to piss in, Gates Soros and Buffet are the other 1%

I am just for taxing where the problem lies. with the guzzlers for their keeping demand up and making prices higher on everyone.
For the war those that rooted for it should be the ones paying not my great grandchildren.

I am also against tax deductions for children for the same treason. you have em you pay for em.
I am just for taxing where the problem lies. with the guzzlers for their keeping demand up and making prices higher on everyone.
For the war those that rooted for it should be the ones paying not my great grandchildren.

I am also against tax deductions for children for the same treason. you have em you pay for em.

You are for taxing what you see as the problem because you are a fascist who wants to punish those you disagree with or find fault with. All of the gas guzzlers combined, don't equal the jet-fuel bill for Barrack Obama's little middle east publicity stunt. As for helping lower gas prices, it has absolutely no effect because people who can afford gas guzzlers, will still buy the taxed gas! Some of them will actually find ways to offset the extra expense by firing people that work for them or raising the prices of their goods and services, so most of the time, they aren't even going to be who pays the extra tax. You can bet, if T. Boone Pickens has to pay $10 more to fill up his SUV, someone, somewhere, is going to pay T. Boone $10 more for his products. So who is going to pay for this? That's right, WE are!

What you need to do, is understand you are not the Gestapo, and the American public doesn't bow to your will. Stop trying to punish people you disagree with, and find a way to compromise and get along. Realize, you are not the only one who has ideas, and some of them are actually much better than yours. Or, you can just keep on being the fascist little bastard you are.
"What you need to do, is understand you are not the Gestapo, and the American public doesn't bow to your will. Stop trying to punish people you disagree with, and find a way to compromise and get along. Realize, you are not the only one who has ideas, and some of them are actually much better than yours. Or, you can just keep on being the fascist little bastard you are."

LMAO! Much different tune when you're in the minority.

"You're getting Bolton, Dammit!"