Attention Sci-Fi Fans

I just cant read fiction anymore

I read some as a teen

loved the LOTR

at that time not as many people read it

it was fun to discuss it with people who had read it

LOTR was huge when I was in h.s. -- especially The Hobbit. It was amusing to watch my younger kids also fall in love with both the books and the movies -- 30+ years later.
yes its was fun seeing my son read them and fall in love

I have two siblings way younger than me

I got to introduce them to them also before my son came along
Wow, interesting! I didn't like the couple of ST books that I read at all, but my cousin who was also enraptured with the series bought and read every single one. She even wrote her own books and scripts as well. I'll have to ask her if she still has any of them.

Not every single book in the pocket book novels series was stellar, but on balance they were a good series to me at least. I remember there was 1 that blew me away with how good it was, but I can't remember a thing about it other than I think Christopher Pike was the lead character in it. I liked all the movies, but hated the TV series so I guess maybe the sequential nature of them gave me a lot more context/back story. .
LOTR was huge when I was in h.s. -- especially The Hobbit. It was amusing to watch my younger kids also fall in love with both the books and the movies -- 30+ years later.

I had to keep this top secret from my football buddies, but I indulged in the holy trifecta of geeks in high school of my era.

Lord of the Rings
Dungeons and Dragons
Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy.

High school in 1979 really did not get much geekier than that.

"On the planet Earth, man had always assumed that he was more intelligent than dolphins because he had achieved so much—the wheel, New York, wars and so on—whilst all the dolphins had ever done was muck about in the water having a good time. But conversely, the dolphins had always believed that they were far more intelligent than man—for precisely the same reasons.”
- Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
I loved Star Trek

but that was when it was original

TV was pretty limited at the time and I was a kid
I loved Star Trek
but that was when it was original
TV was pretty limited at the time and I was a kid

Well, there was always Bonanza. lol

Loved ST too. My cousin and I were two of the thousands of ppl who wrote to the network in outrage when it was canceled. They brought it back for another year then gave up. Who knew that 50 years later it would still be going on? The movies were awesome too, although they got a bit preachy there at the end.... the movies with the original cast, that is.
Well, there was always Bonanza. lol

Loved ST too. My cousin and I were two of the thousands of ppl who wrote to the network in outrage when it was canceled. They brought it back for another year then gave up. Who knew that 50 years later it would still be going on? The movies were awesome too, although they got a bit preachy there at the end.... the movies with the original cast, that is.

There seemed to be a debate amongst geeks about which was better - Original Star Trek, or Next Generation.

I liked both, and Spock and Data have to be two of the most iconic characters in the annals of television. But that just might be my inner geek over-rating them!
There seemed to be a debate amongst geeks about which was better - Original Star Trek, or Next Generation.
I liked both, and Spock and Data have to be two of the most iconic characters in the annals of television. But that just might be my inner geek over-rating them!

Spock is by far my favorite fictional character. TNG was okay. I'm glad that the VI movie (The Undiscovered Country) cleared up how it was that we all got to be buddies with the Klingons. Weird parallel between that script and the current stuff with North Korea, which suddenly wants to make nice following the destruction of their nuclear facilities.
I have watched a lot of sci-fi, but I haven't read much. Excluding the short list of Star Wars novels that I have read, my two favorites are Jurassic Park and The Lost World. Too bad they had to write a completely different story for the film version of The Lost World.