Attention Skidmark

cancel2 2022

You have been the most vocal in saying that Linux is shit with Windows games. My youngest son was always saying much the same thing so I downloaded Starcraft 2 and asked him to try it with Linux Mint and Wine 1.3.26. His reaction when he could find little fault with it was priceless. The only problem was the mouse speed which had to be changed in KDE 4 System Settings, apart from that there was no discernible difference.
You have been the most vocal in saying that Linux is shit with Windows games. My youngest son was always saying much the same thing so I downloaded Starcraft 2 and asked him to try it with Linux Mint and Wine 1.3.26. His reaction when he could find little fault with it was priceless. The only problem was the mouse speed which had to be changed in KDE 4 System Settings, apart from that there was no discernible difference.
An exception to the general rule.
An exception to the general rule.

Not true many games now work, Left for Dead 1/2, Garry's Mod, HalfLife, World of Warcraft to name a few. Google, in their much vaunted Summers of Coding, have transformed Wine into a very impressive beast. I have yet to find any Steam games that do not work using Wine.
Not true many games now work, Left for Dead 1/2, Garry's Mod, HalfLife, World of Warcraft to name a few. Google, in their much vaunted Summers of Coding, have transformed Wine into a very impressive beast. I have yet to find any Steam games that do not work using Wine.
I'm a console gamer these days, so I must be out of the loop.
As if you would know, stick to parking tickets.

ooooh, still obsessed with the ol' attack yurt's job

really dude, give it up, linux sux and will never replace windows. it has some good points, but overall, windows 7 is superior. you don't have get angry just because people don't agree with your assessment about a freaking O/S mr. thin skin.
My insults against Linux are mostly just kidding, Tom. I'm not serious.

I'm booted to Linux right now. Because my 3 month old hard drive failed and Linux can run off of a USB stick.
I'm using a persistent Live USB installation. I tried just straight installing Ubuntu to the flash drive... that didn't turn out pretty. You don't want the OS to try to take the time to pull something off of a flash drive every time you do anything. It'd take 10 seconds every time I wanted to open a menu. A persistent Live USB installation loads a stripped down version of the OS into RAM at each startup, which works much better. The "persistent" means that, unlike a normal Live installation, it saves its stuff.
ooooh, still obsessed with the ol' attack yurt's job

really dude, give it up, linux sux and will never replace windows. it has some good points, but overall, windows 7 is superior. you don't have get angry just because people don't agree with your assessment about a freaking O/S mr. thin skin.

Yet you wonder why so many people detest you?
There's a Left for Dead 1/2? :cof1:

I actually don't understand why people detest Yurt. I understand SM, ID, USA, Toppy, Zappas, Christie, Poet, PMP, and so forth, but the worst that can be said about Yurt is he stands by his beliefs instead of hiding them to make people happy, and he always has to retaliate instead of ignoring people... So, you all hate retaliation. This is why people have started to criticize Sol for arguing with SM/Legion.
why? because i don't like linux? what is your problem....who in their right mind gets so angry at someone and then attacks them personally just because they don't like an o/s? you have real issues.

I couldn't care less about your opinion of Linux, you are too technically backwards to offer an opinion that I'd respect. I was making a more general point that you seem unable to comprehend.
I couldn't care less about your opinion of Linux, you are too technically backwards to offer an opinion that I'd respect. I was making a more general point that you seem unable to comprehend.

you do care. and your posts in this thread prove it. my opinion upset you so much that you had to get personal in your attacks. i never once attacked YOU, but because i had an opinion about linux that is different from you, you had to personally attack. so yes, you do in fact care what my opinion is. if you didn't care you wouldn't need to wonder why so many people detest me. which btw, is untrue. you're hypersensitive. and furthermore, you have no clue how much i know about technology. the way you run around touting linux and slamming windows 7 shows me you really haven't a clue and are nothing but uber whiny crybaby that can't handle someone having a different opinion than you. it really makes wonder what type of person you are, i mean who gets so pissed off at someone because they said an O/S sux?

lighten up francis.
Wine has perhaps improved somewhat. I still can't use Netflix though.

There is a very good reason for that, Netflix uses a Silverlight plugin with DRM. There is Moonlight, which is available for Linux, but I doubt that Microsoft would ever have a DRM option for it.

Currently I have Ubuntu 11.04, Simply Mepis 11, Linux Mint 10 KDE and Zorin OS on one hard disk and Windows 7 on another disk. I like them all but Ubuntu now comes with 5gb of cloud memory free with Ubuntu One, you can buy more if you want. It means that all your vital data is automatically backed up to external servers, a brilliant feature in my book. Could you ever see Microsoft doing that for free?
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