Australian Football


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It doesn't matter if it's the slick Australian Football League (bred for TV) brand or the rough as guts country (rural) footy league, it's exactly the same. True, the coach's three-quarter time speech may be different (half time is in the rooms, three-quarter time bollockings are out on the field). This coach in a rural Victorian (one of our states) footy game told it like it is.

If you're at work don't click on it. If you have kids around, don't click on it. This is a language warning. The average US Senator would faint if they heard this :clink:

I liked it when he was reminiscing about the Olympics "sometime in the f****n' 80's with some f****n' chick doing a f****n' marathon where she came f****n' 10th or 20th or something but that's not f****n' important"

I liked it when he was reminiscing about the Olympics "sometime in the f****n' 80's with some f****n' chick doing a f****n' marathon where she came f****n' 10th or 20th or something but that's not f****n' important"


Poetic, sorry, I mean effing poetical :clink:
football in all its forms is the devils work


I'm gonna call in an air strike :)

Not really. Just, well, I'm sort of, well, um, er, I mean,'s sort of.. well, a bloke thing away our footy balls I dunno...I suppose dominoes is good...sort of.....or Scrabble...I's only for a couple of hours, it's not that it the beer that's the problem? :eek:
It was a film about footsbawl.... His moms was always saying, "Footsbawl is of de debil.."

Ah yes! The Cajun lady! I remember it now! The swamp and eating alligators and the rest of it. And some sheila the bloke was trying to impress. He was a real dill and she sort of cottoned onto him for some reason. That's the one isn't it?
Ah yes! The Cajun lady! I remember it now! The swamp and eating alligators and the rest of it. And some sheila the bloke was trying to impress. He was a real dill and she sort of cottoned onto him for some reason. That's the one isn't it?
Waterboy came out the summer I started playing 8th grade football, so it made for a lot of team humor. For instance, you couldn't set down the container of waterbottles without saying "high quality, H20!" :cool:

Been a fan ever since I caught it on cable maybe 20 yrs ago.
Derrick Clapper was the big player with the Swans then.

There's a sports bar down the street that occasionally shows the games. I've been there when gangs of Aussie fans were there. I always have a great time with them, mostly trying to figure out what the hell their talking about. Strange accent you know, but its a great game