Austrian economics

I trust all of those much more than you or the Austrians on the subject.

Just like I do with the fake sceintists on GW
What a shocker, more of the same logical fallacy. You are literally running to prove what I said about you. You literally cannot speak on the topic because you are entirely intellectually ignorant of either theory.

Link #1 is literally in support of Austrian economics and promotes a book that disassembles and underlines the holes in Keynesian economic theory.

You don't even bother to read your own links.

Damo, Desh didn't post this.
Pretending the the Austrian school is well thought of in the field of economics is NOT TRUE.

they are the short bus school
The Austrian school is NOT well respected in the field no matter how you spin it

Nor were the round-earthers during Columbus' time. That they weren't respected didn't make them wrong. This very sentence is an appeal to authority fallacy.
Yeah yeah yeah, and W was really Lincoln and some day everyone was going to realize it. Uh huh.

I don't think so, any more than Carter was Washington. I do believe that those who support him will eventually be able to spin his legacy as others did for Carter.
Damo the Austrian school has been thrashed by the field.

They are not the great holders of the AUTOMATIC setting for the economy like they told you they were.

Hell even the money people wont let people like Paul get past their hurdles.

they know its failed ideas too

Got Robmoney?
Damo the Austrian school has been thrashed by the field.

They are not the great holders of the AUTOMATIC setting for the economy like they told you they were.

Hell even the money people wont let people like Paul get past their hurdles.

they know its failed ideas too

Got Robmoney?

Yet again a repeat of the Appeal to Authority Fallacy. Even after being shown an example of the fallacy from the other side by Cawacko, you continue to say "but the experts say" as if it is a solid argument. It isn't, it is a fallacy and literally shows your deep and complete ignorance of the topic. You don't even realize that Romney promoted Keynesian economic solutions and ignorantly lay out your complete lack of knowledge for all to see.

You should not participate in any debate of economic theory, you aren't even at the crayon level of understanding on the topic.
Nor were the round-earthers during Columbus' time. That they weren't respected didn't make them wrong. This very sentence is an appeal to authority fallacy.

Citing the authority of experts in the field of economics on issues of economics is not a fallacy.
Yet again a repeat of the Appeal to Authority Fallacy. Even after being shown an example of the fallacy from the other side by Cawacko, you continue to say "but the experts say" as if it is a solid argument. It isn't, it is a fallacy and literally shows your deep and complete ignorance of the topic. You don't even realize that Romney promoted Keynesian economic solutions and ignorantly lay out your complete lack of knowledge for all to see.

You should not participate in any debate of economic theory, you aren't even at the crayon level of understanding on the topic.

dude I think you missed my point entirely.

the Money people wanted robmoney for just this reason.

Even they know the ideas they promote for their masses are shitburgers.

They only pump it as a means to get people to vote against their own interests to help them get what they want out of our society.

when it comes to actually getting people in they want compliant people like robmoney to nurse what actually works (Keynesian ideas) to their aedvantage.

Keep it going enough to milk it.

are you getting it yet?
You have to hand it to them.

It almost worked.

It managed to fool very bright people like yourself damo.

Time for you to use that brightness and come out of the fog
nope damo its not

they are bullshit ideas that are so unworkable in reality no one is willing to actually implement the stupidty.

I know its fun to be the guy who knows the secret way to put the economy on automatic but there is NO automatic setting.

unfettered capitalism turns into other things rather quicky.

they are bullshit ideas

What are these ideas?
Citing the authority of experts in the field of economics on issues of economics is not a fallacy.

Citing them without understanding, and as your only argument, is. It is exactly the same fallacy used in Cawacko's post, and has the same effect.

Basically, saying "these people think this so it is right" without being able to logically assert why they are right or wrong is quite literally the definition of the Appeal to Authority fallacy.