Austrian economics

so you think its a lie?

then go prove that the Austrian school does use the same math all other schools of economics use

Desh I have no idea about the math used by the various schools of economic thought and I know you don't either.
your wrong

I have listened to the experts and the majority of economists think the Austrian school does not use the correct math.

You of course pretend that is not a fact.

you don't like facts
your wrong

I have listened to the experts and the majority of economists think the Austrian school does not use the correct math.

You of course pretend that is not a fact.

you don't like facts

Who are the experts you have listened to?
your wrong

I have listened to the experts and the majority of economists think the Austrian school does not use the correct math.

You of course pretend that is not a fact.

you don't like facts

LOL... yet you only post from ONE guy... the same link over and over again that doesn't really say what you are saying.
Desh does not know what she is talking about. Austrians can't be using the wrong math because they don't really use math and reject the importance of mathematics and econometrics, arguing that economic theory is a priori primarily because they reject the idea that utility can be measured. Caplan does not fully disagree but criticizes them for failing to understand how math and newer methodological tools can be used to test a priori theories.

He does not claim they are the "shortbus" either.

Austrian scholars have made important contributions to economics in recent years. I personally am most impressed by the work of Lawrence White and George Selgin on free banking and other monetary issues, though certainly other Austrians have made significant contributions too. Set in historical context, I also consider the economics of Mises and Rothbard to be a great achievement in spite of my numerous reservations about it.

I really don't know what the point of all this is anyway, but I doubt it is to argue what Caplan does about Austrians.
Desh does not know what she is talking about. Austrians can't be using the wrong math because they don't really use math and reject the importance of mathematics and econometrics, arguing that economic theory is a priori primarily because they reject the idea that utility can be measured. Caplan does not fully disagree but criticizes them for failing to understand how math and newer methodological tools can be used to test a priori theories.

He does not claim they are the "shortbus" either.

Austrian scholars have made important contributions to economics in recent years. I personally am most impressed by the work of Lawrence White and George Selgin on free banking and other monetary issues, though certainly other Austrians have made significant contributions too. Set in historical context, I also consider the economics of Mises and Rothbard to be a great achievement in spite of my numerous reservations about it.

I really don't know what the point of all this is anyway, but I doubt it is to argue what Caplan does about Austrians.

Desh just clings to links that she doesn't understand and then insists they say what she wants them to have said. It is standard protocol in her fantasy world.
Baxter, I do respect your opinion here - In fact, I admire it above any beyond that of folks like evince. The Austrians, the truly genuine free-market capitalists, are definitely among the better of the lot.

But they approach economics in a manner contrary to reality. Hayek, for one, believed that capitalism could work in the ideal Smithian manner. Markets would adjust themselves to meet demand, workers would put abusive employers out of business, and the government would provide a minimum income to deal with structural unemployment. He was a utopian who believed that capitalism (the kind where the government and private sector were largely separate) wasn't just a stage in its development. He wasn't anti-labor, just a man of enormous belief.

That's where I consider him fundamentally mistaken. Considering the power centralized in the "leisure class" and their political interests, Hayek's pure capitalism is a fool's dream. Socialism relies on crises and the decent of a system, and that's our current trend, but Austrianism relies on just the opposite; that system rising above itself.
your wrong

I have listened to the experts and the majority of economists think the Austrian school does not use the correct math.

You of course pretend that is not a fact.

you don't like facts

a bump for you Desh. Who are the experts you've listened to?
the rest of the economic fields

Dude the entire economic field is NOT Austrian because they don't use the math the rest of them do.
no where in the world in mans history has their ideas worked.

they don't like math and just make up out of whole cloth their presumption about things and claim them FACT with nothing to back them.

They are pretend science for political reasons.

People who claim the Austrian school is correct have as much proof as people who claim big foot lives in their back yard
the rest of the economic fields

Dude the entire economic field is NOT Austrian because they don't use the math the rest of them do.

I'll state again that I am not an expert in the field of economics. I do not claim to know all here. I do know enough though to know you have NO idea what you are talking about. You can't describe the math Austrians or any others use. You don't know what it is. I notice you haven't responded to Prof Baxter's post about Austrians and math.

There's nothing wrong with not knowing things (at least that's what I tell myself) but at least acknowledge it when you clearly have been shown that is the case.
they don't use all the statistics and caluculations the other fields use.

Why are you an Austrian school guy yet you know nothing about them?

Austrian School of Economics

DefinitionEdit DefinitionSave to FavoritesSee Examples

Forerunner of unrestrained free market (libertarian) economics, its central concept is that the coordination of human effort can be achieved only through the combined decisions and judgments of individuals and cannot be forced by an external agency such as a government. It emphasizes complete freedom of association and sovereignty of individual property rights. Its other main tenets include (1) abolishment of central banks and return to the gold standard, (2) elimination of bank deposit insurance schemes so that bank failures punish bad investments, (3) institution of an information system that make real-time prices data available to everyone, (4) abandonment of mathematical models as too rigid and limited to be of any use. Most of its recommendations are fiercely opposed by the mainstream (both capitalist and socialist) economists who call it 'anarchist economics,' and barely acknowledge its existence.
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the rest of the economic fields

Dude the entire economic field is NOT Austrian because they don't use the math the rest of them do.

Every economic ideology uses math (even that of quasi-Bakunists), however some, above the rest, believe it has a large, meaningful practical application. There is not, to my knowledge, any economist who discards math entirely.
They refuse all the modern mathematical tools that the other schools use.

They have never had their ideas tested in real life.

they have never been proven correct on anything.

YET the right in this country clings to them for what reason?

because they are lemmings
they don't use all the statistics and caluculations the other fields use.

Why are you an Austrian school guy yet you know nothing about them?

You don't see me here spouting off pro-Austrian school comments. I'm not ashamed to admit my detailed knowledge on the various schools of thought is limited. I'll at least admit it though.