Avatar suggestion?

Would some people please suggest new avatars for me? I will give all suggestions their due consideration.

I misstyped that.
I meant that I dont believe that he thought he was going to be killed.

I guess thats subjective, open to interpretation, but given the fact that he is citing a prayer before he gets capped keeps with the whole religious tradition of the movie. I agree with Hoople, he knew it was coming, because he went through tis scene:

I guess thats subjective, open to interpretation, but given the fact that he is citing a prayer before he gets capped keeps with the whole religious tradition of the movie. I agree with Hoople, he knew it was coming, because he went through tis scene:


You obviouisly went to get something to drink, right before he went out onto the lake; because if you had stayed you would have seen that he told his Nephew that he always said a prayer, when he fished as a child, and that's how he caught more fish then anyone else.