Awesomest Mom!


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'Meanest mom on planet' sells son's car

DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) -- Jane Hambleton has dubbed herself the "meanest mom on the planet."

After finding alcohol in her son's car, she decided to sell the car and share her 19-year-old's misdeed with everyone -- by placing an ad in the local newspaper.

The ad reads: "OLDS 1999 Intrigue. Totally uncool parents who obviously don't love teenage son, selling his car. Only driven for three weeks before snoopy mom who needs to get a life found booze under front seat. $3,700/offer. Call meanest mom on the planet."

Hambleton has heard from people besides interested buyers since recently placing the ad in The Des Moines Register.

The 48-year-old from Fort Dodge says she has fielded more than 70 telephone calls from emergency room technicians, nurses, school counselors and even a Georgia man who wanted to congratulate her.

"The ad cost a fortune, but you know what? I'm telling people what happened here," Hambleton says. "I'm not just gonna put the car for resale when there's nothing wrong with it, except the driver made a dumb decision.

"It's overwhelming the number of calls I've gotten from people saying 'Thank you, it's nice to see a responsible parent.' So far there are no calls from anyone saying, 'You're really strict. You're real overboard, lady."'

The only critic is her son, who Hambleton says is "very, very unhappy" with the ad and claims the alcohol was left by a passenger.

Hambleton believes her son but has decided mercy isn't the best policy in this case. She says she set two rules when she bought the car at Thanksgiving: No booze, and always keep it locked.

The car has been sold, but Hambleton says she will continue the ad for another week -- just for the feedback. E-mail to a friend
The only critic is her son, who Hambleton says is "very, very unhappy" with the ad and claims the alcohol was left by a passenger.

Ha! I used that excuse!
Wow! Found an issue conservatives and liberals can agree on! :clink: I've never understood how parents that 'love their kids' can allow them the privilege of driving, IF the child is not acting responsible in important aspects of their lives.
Alcohol/drugs and operating a vehicle by far the most serious, (loss of car and insurance, and driving any other vehicles.) Acting irresponsible regarding school, work, or home duties, (all 'kids' should have home duties. ;) ), gounded from driving until resumption of responsibilities.
'Meanest mom on planet' sells son's car

DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) -- Jane Hambleton has dubbed herself the "meanest mom on the planet."

After finding alcohol in her son's car, she decided to sell the car and share her 19-year-old's misdeed with everyone -- by placing an ad in the local newspaper.

The ad reads: "OLDS 1999 Intrigue. Totally uncool parents who obviously don't love teenage son, selling his car. Only driven for three weeks before snoopy mom who needs to get a life found booze under front seat. $3,700/offer. Call meanest mom on the planet."

Hambleton has heard from people besides interested buyers since recently placing the ad in The Des Moines Register.

The 48-year-old from Fort Dodge says she has fielded more than 70 telephone calls from emergency room technicians, nurses, school counselors and even a Georgia man who wanted to congratulate her.

"The ad cost a fortune, but you know what? I'm telling people what happened here," Hambleton says. "I'm not just gonna put the car for resale when there's nothing wrong with it, except the driver made a dumb decision.

"It's overwhelming the number of calls I've gotten from people saying 'Thank you, it's nice to see a responsible parent.' So far there are no calls from anyone saying, 'You're really strict. You're real overboard, lady."'

The only critic is her son, who Hambleton says is "very, very unhappy" with the ad and claims the alcohol was left by a passenger.

Hambleton believes her son but has decided mercy isn't the best policy in this case. She says she set two rules when she bought the car at Thanksgiving: No booze, and always keep it locked.

The car has been sold, but Hambleton says she will continue the ad for another week -- just for the feedback. E-mail to a friend

That's the problem with letting you mother buy your car. If my mom tried to sell my car, there would be only one response, me calling the cops to arrest her for auto theft. Gotta come down hard on the irresponsible lovely person. A good 2-3 years in prison will clear her head from thinking she runs my adult life.

What a moral prude. There's nothing wrong with alcohol. Your son is an adult and he can do what he wants. He's not an underage drinker, he's an of age, adult drinker, prohibited from drinking because of minor misdemeanor charges that everyone ignores.
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Wow! Found an issue conservatives and liberals can agree on! :clink: I've never understood how parents that 'love their kids' can allow them the privilege of driving, IF the child is not acting responsible in important aspects of their lives.
Alcohol/drugs and operating a vehicle by far the most serious, (loss of car and insurance, and driving any other vehicles.) Acting irresponsible regarding school, work, or home duties, (all 'kids' should have home duties. ;) ), gounded from driving until resumption of responsibilities.

Drinking is not a privilidge, it's a right. I notice how all the sudden all the moral prudes in the world have ascribed things that used to be "rights" into being "privilidges". If they had been around in 1789, free speech would be the privilidge of speech.
Watermark, we have far more "rights" today than they did in 1789. 18-year-olds couldn't vote, for starters, and that's just the tip of the iceberg. If the 2008 election were taking place in 1789, YOU wouldn't be able to vote this time around, as you're not 21 yet! In fact, this would be my first instead of second presidential election...

Now go cry somewhere...
Watermark, we have far more "rights" today than they did in 1789. 18-year-olds couldn't vote, for starters, and that's just the tip of the iceberg. If the 2008 election were taking place in 1789, YOU wouldn't be able to vote this time around, as you're not 21 yet! In fact, this would be my first instead of second presidential election...

Now go cry somewhere...

This still doesn't change the fact that I'd lock the lovely person up for stealing my property. Financial independence is teh roxxor. Too bad we live in a stupid stone age society that so prudish it's the only developed nation in the world with a 21 drinking age. But no matter how hard they enforce it, the 21 drinking age is always going to be a joke. You can't tell adults how to live their life.
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More prudish than 1789?

Why don't you go to hell Watermark, there are no prudes there! :burn:

I would if it wasn't a delusion. You really act like I care. There is no sect on Earth dumber and easier to get past than the prudes, and it's difficult to be oppressed by them. Their attempts, however, are still annoying.
1) He was breaking the law
2) She bought the car with and she had two conditions that she expected him to abide by and he didn't. So she sold it. Good for her.

If I got my kid something and he wasn't keeping to the conditions established in my getting it, then I'd take it back too.
I didn't really drink until I turned 21. I could probably count on one hand how many times I committed under age drinking. I lived in London when I was about 20 and it was legal to drink there, but when I was in the states I didn't drink.

Now that I'm a tad older there's no way in hell I'd have an open container in my car.
I would if it wasn't a delusion. You really act like I care. There is no sect on Earth dumber and easier to get past than the prudes, and it's difficult to be oppressed by them. Their attempts, however, are still annoying.

While the pervs, like De Sade, participated in mass murder... Good points.
1) He was breaking the law
2) She bought the car with and she had two conditions that she expected him to abide by and he didn't. So she sold it. Good for her.

If I got my kid something and he wasn't keeping to the conditions established in my getting it, then I'd take it back too.

Please. He never hurt anyone. There's nothing wrong with of age drinkers under 21.

And I own my car, and if she tried to sell it that lovely person would go to prison. Moral prudes have no right to enforce their idioicy upon us.
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Please. He never hurt anyone. There's nothing wrong with of age drinkers under 21.

And I own my car, and if she tried to sell it the bitch would go to prison. Moral prudes have no right to enforce their idioicy upon us.

Wow. You have such harsh words and venomous sting for your mother. That's not cool dude.
Two things we've learned from H2O:

1) Underage drunk driving accidental deaths is worse than De Sade
2) His mom's a bitch

No wonder you've gone emo on us...