Awful bloody woman

cancel2 2022

They missed out the N



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Is Harry beginning to wonder if he fucked up?

Meghan is rapidly wearing out her welcome even in America.
This is good:

Toddler and tiara: Meghan Markle STILL throwing tantrums about royal family
Lest anyone remain in doubt, Meghan Markle’s latest interview makes one thing clear: This woman has nothing to say.

She has nothing to offer, no original thoughts or guiding philosophy, no earthly reason to be taking so much money from, and so much space in, the mainstream media she so clearly despises.

You know, just as she despises the British royal family, even as she clings to her title and accepts money from her father-in-law, the future king, who reportedly subsidized her and husband Prince Harry’s $14.5 million mansion, purchased for their privacy.

Still, yet again, the Greta Garbo of Montecito sits for another major profile, this time for New York magazine. Forget the People’s Princess — now we’re saddled with the Petulant Princess, one whose preferred crown is perpetual victimhood. For the past three years she’s had a global platform, yet all she does with it is complain that she’s been censored, silenced, shut out. Meghan Markle has been a public downer longer than she was a working duchess. It’s long past time for a new talking point.
A 6,400-word masterclass in manipulation... Meghan's latest interview is an Exocet missile tipped with poison and aimed at the heart of the British monarchy

Surely not even Meghan, however subconsciously, would seek to troll the Royal Family on such a solemn occasion. Yet there it is.

And let's face it, she's done it before. Who could forget the timing of the Oprah Winfrey interview, aired only a month before the Duke of Edinburgh passed away in April 2021? Nothing and no one, not even the ailing health of Her Majesty's consort of 70 years, could be allowed to stand in the way of Meghan speaking her famous truth.

In truth, though, the similarities are only superficial. The composition and styling are, it's true, very alike. But while Diana's smile is slightly shy, she nevertheless gazes warmly at the viewer, her eyes dancing with mischief.

no one cares what she says about the British royalty.......for that matter no one cares about the British royalty.......

Well that's not even slightly true, as I'm sure you know.
The only reason they are able to afford their lifestyle is because of Markle's constant bleating about how badly she was treated, in her own mind at least. How were she and Harry able to negotiate Spotify and Netflix deals for hundreds of millions otherwise?

Is America falling out of love with the 'Petulant Princess' of Montecito? Even the 'woke' magazine that interviewed Meghan Markle at her £11.2m California mansion carried an undercurrent of disapproval

When the Sussexes fled the horrors of palace life in 2020, it was America — land of the free, home of the brave and the mega-bucks media deal — that welcomed them with open arms.

The public and Press hungrily swallowed every last morsel of the couple’s harrowing tale of racism and rejection in that infamous interview with a fawning Oprah Winfrey. Their treatment at the hands of the wicked British Press generated shock and sympathy.

Soon they became the Duke and Duchess ‘across the water’, building a new, 21st-century court of their own, rubbing shoulders with Hollywood stars and the super-rich, nurturing their own brand of philanthropy and exploiting their royal titles while striking multi-million-dollar business deals, which, to most Americans, was acceptable, if not admirable.

Yet just two years on, there are worrying signs that America may be beginning to tire of it all. Worrying, that is, for the Sussexes, who need to keep milking public interest in them if they are to pay for that lavish lifestyle in Montecito, revealed in some detail in the Duchess’s latest interview with New York fashion website The Cut.

Could it be that Americans are waking up to the fact there may be little more to the Sussexes than their seemingly bottomless well of grievance about their treatment in the UK?

As the Mail reported yesterday, the New York Post’s front page marked Meghan’s latest media foray with the headline ‘Toddler And Tiara: Spoiled princess Meghan STILL whining about royal family’.

More significantly, the venerable Washington Post cautioned her that ‘to succeed in the media, [she] needs to leave royal traumas behind’. And one U.S. TV insider claimed ‘some of the lustre’ has gone.

Indeed, a milestone moment in the Sussexes’ relationship with the U.S. may well prove to be that interview with The Cut.

It was intensely revealing — and not, principally, for Meghan’s outrageous and occasionally risible headline-stealing comments, such as the astonishing claim that her joining the Royal Family had been a moment of international jubilation comparable to the release of Nelson Mandela.

Even more surprising, the interview was, in fact, quite negative about her.

The Cut is part of New York Magazine, which is about as woke as you get in the mainstream U.S. media — a fact that no doubt weighed heavily in the Sussex camp’s decision to grant its journalist an audience.
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Well that's not even slightly true, as I'm sure you know.

no.....I don't know.....perhaps in England and in American grocery store check out lane tabloids (or California which is almost exactly like a grocery store check out lane) the real world where people work, sleep, eat and take a shit, not so much......
no.....I don't know.....perhaps in England and in American grocery store check out lane tabloids (or California which is almost exactly like a grocery store check out lane) the real world where people work, sleep, eat and take a shit, not so much......

Ok, so what you're saying is you don't care about it when you're taking a dump, good to know.