Awful bloody woman

I have NO IDEA why so many of you seem to hate this woman so much.

She is married to some Brit Royal.
And she is pretty, good looking.

And that is about the extent of my knowledge or interest in her.

Where is all this vitriol coming from/in regards to her?
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I just love me a jolly good Incel parade and FrightFest like this. You poor sad limp old men... so threatened by a wealthy beautiful assertive young woman whose only power in the world is how she angers you by her existence. :laugh:
I have NO IDEA why so many of you seem to hate this woman so much.

She is married to some Brit Royal.
And she is pretty, good looking.

And that is about the extent of my knowledge or interest in her.

Where is all this vitriol coming from/in regards?

What an excellent question.
I have NO IDEA why so many of you seem to hate this woman so much.

She is married to some Brit Royal.
And she is pretty, good looking.

And that is about the extent of my knowledge or interest in her.

Where is all this vitriol coming from/in regards to her?


Yet you feel qualified to venture an opinion based on little or no factual knowledge. I suggest you read up about her before pontificating, deal?

Although much has been written about the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s interview with Oprah Winfrey (perhaps Jerry Springer would have been a more appropriate choice), the real significance of the event and its aftermath has escaped most commentators. Namely, this was the moment the woke, virtue-signalling, politically correct metaphorical chickens literally came home to roost at the House of Windsor.

The monarchy is now at the mercy of the anti-Judeo-Christian code of morality based on the fashionable new creed of wokeness. Emotions, feelings and racial guilt now officially trump rational thought, tradition and logic. Identity and grievance politics have now replaced time-honoured moral principles such as hard work, thrift, duty, loyalty, forgiveness, charity and honour. With nary a care in the world, Queen Elizabeth’s grandson, in cahoots with his grasping Hollywood actress wife, has quite happily tipped all these old and time-honoured values down the loo and pulled the chain. A royal flush, perhaps.

One of the most senior members of the royal family, they claim without any concrete, and indeed contradictory, details, questioned the colour of their baby’s skin. By playing the race card in such a sinister, devious, calculated, unverifiable and indeed incredible fashion, only months after race riots based upon the lie of ‘systemic’ racism and ‘white supremacy’ tore America apart, Harry and Meghan have sought to besmirch Britain’s royal family in the most despicable manner. And with a selfishness so brazen it could only have come from pampered and blinkered Millennials, these two have at the same time deliberately sought to place themselves as individuals on a higher moral pedestal than that of the Crown. This is narcissism and arrogance on steroids. Indeed, given that the monarch is also the head of the Church of England, Harry has as good as suggested that he and his bride as individuals are of higher moral standing than the next two heads of the Anglican religion, his father and his brother – one of whom, or the spouse of whom, he has inferred made the racist comments about his and Meghan’s potential offspring. (It hardly needs saying that questioning the likely genetic make-up/colouring, etc., of any child’s features based on the two parents’ genes is not only perfectly common but more importantly does not equate to racism).

But, sadly, this embracing of the worst traits of identity politics is the direct result of Prince Charles himself having failed to offer appropriate moral and intellectual guidance to his two boys following the tragic death of their mother. Largely reviled for his brazen disloyalty to Princess Diana (the ‘people’s princess’) when she was alive, Charles has, since her passing, embarked on an eccentric crusade to earn the approval of the bien-pensants and the celebrity-Left by touting his own version of woke morality built around ‘sustainability’ and ‘saving the planet’ from ‘catastrophic climate change’ as well as most recently promoting the fascist-corporatist ‘Great Reset’ nonsense.

Struggling to compete with this pathetic posturing, his sons William and Harry were left with little choice other than to emulate or outdo it; Harry with his Invictus Games (an extremely worthy cause) and William with his mental health and climate/technology initiatives.

The three of them would have done better to study the history of monarchies, revolutions and stable constitutional institutions. When the aristocracy attempts to curry favour with or even joins the salivating revolutionaries, it rarely saves itself from the guillotine. By deliberately throwing his lot in with the likes of doomsday cultist Greta Thunberg, the Malthusian Sir David Attenborough and other nihilists and anarchists, Prince Charles has undermined the importance of the monarchy and elevated the moral standing of the woke revolution. This in turn has encouraged, perhaps even forced, his sons to also embrace woke identity politics including, of course, the vile nostrums of critical race theory. This is the belief, at the heart of the outrage surrounding Meghan’s and Harry’s incendiary comments to Ms Winfrey, that all white people and institutions are irredeemably racist and therefore have no moral standing and must be purged or torn down. Nice work, Team Windsor.


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Yet you feel qualified to venture an opinion based on little or no factual knowledge. I suggest you read up about her before pontificating, deal?

I said she is married to a Royal and looks good.
What 'factual knowledge' does that fucking take?

Although much has been written about the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s interview with Oprah Winfrey (perhaps Jerry Springer would have been a more appropriate choice), the real significance of the event and its aftermath has escaped most commentators. Namely, this was the moment the woke, virtue-signalling, politically correct metaphorical chickens literally came home to roost at the House of Windsor.

The monarchy is now at the mercy of the anti-Judeo-Christian code of morality based on the fashionable new creed of wokeness. Emotions, feelings and racial guilt now officially trump rational thought, tradition and logic. Identity and grievance politics have now replaced time-honoured moral principles such as hard work, thrift, duty, loyalty, forgiveness, charity and honour. With nary a care in the world, Queen Elizabeth’s grandson, in cahoots with his grasping Hollywood actress wife, has quite happily tipped all these old and time-honoured values down the loo and pulled the chain. A royal flush, perhaps.

One of the most senior members of the royal family, they claim without any concrete, and indeed contradictory, details, questioned the colour of their baby’s skin. By playing the race card in such a sinister, devious, calculated, unverifiable and indeed incredible fashion, only months after race riots based upon the lie of ‘systemic’ racism and ‘white supremacy’ tore America apart, Harry and Meghan have sought to besmirch Britain’s royal family in the most despicable manner. And with a selfishness so brazen it could only have come from pampered and blinkered Millennials, these two have at the same time deliberately sought to place themselves as individuals on a higher moral pedestal than that of the Crown. This is narcissism and arrogance on steroids. Indeed, given that the monarch is also the head of the Church of England, Harry has as good as suggested that he and his bride as individuals are of higher moral standing than the next two heads of the Anglican religion, his father and his brother – one of whom, or the spouse of whom, he has inferred made the racist comments about his and Meghan’s potential offspring. (It hardly needs saying that questioning the likely genetic make-up/colouring, etc., of any child’s features based on the two parents’ genes is not only perfectly common but more importantly does not equate to racism).

But, sadly, this embracing of the worst traits of identity politics is the direct result of Prince Charles himself having failed to offer appropriate moral and intellectual guidance to his two boys following the tragic death of their mother. Largely reviled for his brazen disloyalty to Princess Diana (the ‘people’s princess’) when she was alive, Charles has, since her passing, embarked on an eccentric crusade to earn the approval of the bien-pensants and the celebrity-Left by touting his own version of woke morality built around ‘sustainability’ and ‘saving the planet’ from ‘catastrophic climate change’ as well as most recently promoting the fascist-corporatist ‘Great Reset’ nonsense.

Struggling to compete with this pathetic posturing, his sons William and Harry were left with little choice other than to emulate or outdo it; Harry with his Invictus Games (an extremely worthy cause) and William with his mental health and climate/technology initiatives.

The three of them would have done better to study the history of monarchies, revolutions and stable constitutional institutions. When the aristocracy attempts to curry favour with or even joins the salivating revolutionaries, it rarely saves itself from the guillotine. By deliberately throwing his lot in with the likes of doomsday cultist Greta Thunberg, the Malthusian Sir David Attenborough and other nihilists and anarchists, Prince Charles has undermined the importance of the monarchy and elevated the moral standing of the woke revolution. This in turn has encouraged, perhaps even forced, his sons to also embrace woke identity politics including, of course, the vile nostrums of critical race theory. This is the belief, at the heart of the outrage surrounding Meghan’s and Harry’s incendiary comments to Ms Winfrey, that all white people and institutions are irredeemably racist and therefore have no moral standing and must be purged or torn down. Nice work, Team Windsor. are big on the Royals and you are pissed that Meghan spoke badly of them.


I couldn't give a shit about the Royal family.

And you posted NOTHING that the woman SPECIFICALLY said that was SOOOOO awful.

You just hate her because she is dissing the Royal Family.
That is a pretty lame reason to hate someone.
I said she is married to a Royal and looks good.
What 'factual knowledge' does that fucking take? are big on the Royals and you are pissed that Meghan spoke badly of them.


I couldn't give a shit about the Royal family.

And you posted NOTHING that the woman SPECIFICALLY said that was SOOOOO awful.

You just hate her because she is dissing the Royal Family.
That is a pretty lame reason to hate someone.

Ok, doesn't really matter what you think anyway, it would seem that many Americans have already made up their minds about her and Harry. She is a typical golddigger and Harry is a fucking idiot. Don't bother replying as it's clear you've nothing to say of any note.
Ok, doesn't really matter what you think anyway, it would seem that many Americans have already made up their minds about her and Harry. She is a typical golddigger and Harry is a fucking idiot. Don't bother replying as it's clear you've nothing to say of any note. post NOTHING specific.
NOTHING at all.

Only that she verbally, attacked the Royal Family.

Oh she is the first woman to ever dis her in-laws.

Tell me the worst thing - to you - that she has ever been quoted to have said?
Last edited: post NOTHING specific.
NOTHING at all.

Only that she verbally, attacked the Royal Family.

Oh she is the first woman to ever dis her in-laws.

Well maybe that article didn't make clear, to you at least. The issue is that she and her hubby were and are prepared to go to any lengths to lie and exaggerate. They know full well that their current lifestyle is only possible by supplying ever more sleaze to the likes of Oprah Winfrey, Spotify and Netflix. I think what makes people in the UK the most angry is how they wanted to keep all the royal trappings including titles and reserve the right to diss them at every opportunity. I blame Harry, he's a weak man, who is even prepared to lose his family, including his own brother, for a grasping social climber who will piss on anybody that gets in her way including her own father.
Well maybe that article didn't make clear, to you at least. The issue is that she and her hubby were and are prepared to go to any lengths to lie and exaggerate. They know full well that their current lifestyle is only possible by supplying ever more sleaze to the likes of Oprah Winfrey, Spotify and Netflix. I think what makes people in the UK the most angry is how they wanted to keep all the royal trappings including titles and reserve the right to diss them at every opportunity. I blame Harry, he's a weak man, who is even prepared to lose his family, including his own brother, for a grasping social climber who will piss on anybody that gets in her way including her own father.

I ask you to post just one, horrible quotation that she said.

And you post nothing.

The woman dissed her in-laws?
Big deal.

The Royals are not above being dissed - NO ONE is.

When she posts lies that are proven in court as slander/libel?
Or she threatens them physically?
Then I might have a big problem with her.

Until then?
I do not.

Plus, I believe in free speech.
Prendergast is an old wash woman , Thats why no British women will have him so he had to buy a bar maid in thailand and he lives off her "labors"

you're jealous he has a woman you get tired of fucking small animals?.....