I was poor growing up, but I made it all on my own, without any help from anyone. It's a good feeling.
No you didn’t. That's just Rightwing hubris. If you got parachuted into Cambodia you would starve to death, regardless of your alleged self-sufficiency and mythical self-reliance.
Are we to assume that your professional, educational, and personal experience is one of driving only on private roads, attending private schools, drilling your own water wells, inspecting your own food for toxins, and forgoing all the educational, technological, and medical advances that were funded or subsidized by public resources? Don’t be ridiculous. Your entire life, your educational, personal, and professional well-being is predicated on a system that leverages our collective resources for the benefit of the public commons.
You have a comfortable life here because the nation has collectively spent tens of trillions of dollars on the public commons, including but not limited to a transportation infrastructure, a power and water grid, a public education system, a public legal system, publically financed science and technology, a world class public university system, and a modest public healthcare and retirement system – all of which prevent this nation from being an appalling third world nation, and enabled the rise of a strong middle class.
You Republicans want to go back to pre-New Deal America. If you had been born into pre-New Deal America, you would be barely scratching out an existence even while working twice as hard as you do now. Glenn Beck should have told that that America in 1880 was a two class nation: a nation of a few wealthy elites, and a great mass of exploited proletariats. And you’re not Thomas Edison, so the odds are about 100% that you would toil in a life of misery if you had been born into a nation, such as pre-New Deal America, that didn’t collectively invest in it’s public commons.