Into the Night
Verified User
It is in your case. Fallacy fallacy. Argument of the stone fallacy.Furtive fallacy is not mockery.
Public record is not a conspiracy. The Democrat party is a conspiracy.It is for people who will believe unproven conspiracies.
Not a bit of it. The election faulted by Democrats, who deny the Constitution of the United States and the constitutions of every State.To deny the 2020 election took place and elected Biden is to deny the Constitution of the U. S. and the constitutions of the fifty states.
Inversion fallacy.
False equivalence. No, they didn't. You can't pass an ex-post-facto law (done in the 2020 election). You can't change election law by executive fiat (done in the 2020 election). Governors cannot choose electors for a State.Again, they used the same procedures as they used in 2016 to choose electors.
Conclusion based on false equivalence fallacy.So, if there was no election in 2020 there also was no election in 2016.
Mockery.BS Fallacy.