Baba Vanga

[FONT=&quot]Hunger eradication:[/FONT][FONT=&quot] Baba Vanga has predicted that hunger will get eradicated sometime between 2025 and 2028.[/FONT]

Is that before or after everyone in Europe is killed and the United States ceases to exist?

[FONT=&quot]US attacking Muslim dominated Europe:[/FONT][FONT=&quot] By 2066, the US will attack Muslim dominated Europe using climate change weapon, and will try to retake Rome and bring back Christianity.[/FONT]

What's the point? Everyone in Europe is dead right? Also, the last president was supposed to be several decades ago. Did we switch to a parliamentary system?
Underwater civilisations: By 2130, civilisations will learn how to live under water, with the help of aliens.

WTF, surely you are not this gullible? No wonder that you lap up all the shit that Darla spouts!!

On to Venus: Humans will travel to Venus, according to the Baba, in search of new energy sources. They might even set up a colony there.
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There's basically no possibility of humans ever setting up a colony on Venus. Best chance would be colonization of Venus's atmosphere, but we're not going to touch the ground.
500 years ago everyone was certain the world was flat...

200 years ago everyone was certain a man couldn't fly...

100 years ago everyone was certain man could never go to the moon...
TE=ZappasGuitar;1646761]500 years ago everyone was certain the world was flat...

Not true. A round earth theory was developed as far back as 300 BC. Also, tell that to Columbus.

200 years ago everyone was certain a man couldn't fly...

Not true.

100 years ago everyone was certain man could never go to the moon...

Again, not true.

The dream of space travel is an ancient one. The first known description of a flight to the Moon is from an ancient Greek writer, Lucian of Samosata (190 A.D.). He had one of the characters in his "A True Story" don eagle wings and fly to the Moon in order to learn how the stars came to be "scattered carelessly up and down the universe." Since then, many writers, scientists, and others have dreamed of traveling to the Moon, other planets, and even stars.
Not true. A round earth theory was developed as far back as 300 BC. Also, tell that to Columbus.

Not true.

Again, not true.

The dream of space travel is an ancient one. The first known description of a flight to the Moon is from an ancient Greek writer, Lucian of Samosata (190 A.D.). He had one of the characters in his "A True Story" don eagle wings and fly to the Moon in order to learn how the stars came to be "scattered carelessly up and down the universe." Since then, many writers, scientists, and others have dreamed of traveling to the Moon, other planets, and even stars.


That's it.

Quibble over my timeline, not the overarching point I made.

You argue just for argument's sake.

Another petty diversionary tactic.

It's no wonder everyone believes you are Yurt.

That's it.

Quibble over my timeline, not the overarching point I made.

You argue just for argument's sake.

Another petty diversionary tactic.

It's no wonder everyone believes you are Yurt.

You are such a baby. You do this every time someone proves you wrong. You made factual statements that were not true and instead of admitting you're wrong, you call it a diversionary tactic. You did this in the TERRORISM thread and you've done it elsewhere by whining about semantics.

You simply are incapable of admitting you're wrong. Your petty attacks on me are nothing but a diversionary tactic from the fact you are wrong.
Not true. A round earth theory was developed as far back as 300 BC. Also, tell that to Columbus.

Columbus's theory actually was wrong. That's why everyone was rejecting him - his math was clearly wrong and he was massively underestimating how large the world was. If America hadn't been in his way, he would've starved to death.
You are such a baby. You do this every time someone proves you wrong. You made factual statements that were not true and instead of admitting you're wrong, you call it a diversionary tactic. You did this in the TERRORISM thread and you've done it elsewhere by whining about semantics.

You simply are incapable of admitting you're wrong. Your petty attacks on me are nothing but a diversionary tactic from the fact you are wrong.

I made some inaccurate statements, yet rather than admit I had a point and acknowledge we as a species don't know everything yet and have much to learn, you quibble over the dates I provided.

It's always the same with you Yurt, no matter what avatar you hide behind.

You get schooled by me and immediately start whining about it.
The moon and Mars are much more friendly environments for colonization. And they're still tough as fuck. I don't see why we'd ever feel the need to colonize Venus.

Colonize Venus?

Maybe not.

Research outpost on Venus for scientific study?

Maybe one day.
I made some inaccurate statements, yet rather than admit I had a point and acknowledge we as a species don't know everything yet and have much to learn, you quibble over the dates I provided.

It's always the same with you Yurt, no matter what avatar you hide behind.

You get schooled by me and immediately start whining about it.

Yep, everytime I prove you wrong you call me Yurt. He must have proved you wrong a lot for you to still pine over him like this. And how do you get you schooled me when I proved you wrong?

You FINALLY admit you're wrong (not really, you use semantics to say "inaccurate statements"), but you still whine about it. Why are you such a crybaby? I didn't whine about anything, I merely proved you wrong and you're all butt hurt over it. What is it you frequently, need some butt salve?

And in textbook Butthurt Yurt fashion, he's now groaning every post of mine.

Yurt gets schooled and his Butthurt is without measure.
Rana is that gullble!!
You have proven time and again, that you have no sense of humor or sense of other's humor.

These threads in off topic are to get more light hearted conversation going, I am sorry if it offended your delicate sensibilities.