BAC Before and After the election


on indefiniate mod break
November 7th:

YOU exemplify the reason I can't wait for this election to be over. We will never have to hear, see, or read the kind of bullshit you just posted ever again.

Can't wait to watch the Trumpettes shift into 'it was rigged'/excuses mode. :0)

Trump is doing worse than Romney with white voters .. the only voters Trump has.

Trump is doing worse than Romney with white voters

Add on top of that .. Clinton is doing better than Obama in the polls

Hillary Clinton Is Leading In A Greater Portion Of Polls Than Obama Was In The Last Two Elections

Doesn't look good for your side.

It's over .. it's been over for months now.

November 9th:

No one saw it coming because it makes no sense at all. Trump's election defies logic and common sense.

Who would elect a rich celebrity with no legislative experience to be President of the United States.

White Americans couldn't possibly be that desperate, could they?

The lesson - never underestimate the power of a racist appeal.

To be fair to BAC, his quotes read like any poster who claimed Douchebag Donald had zero chance of winning. Lucky for me, I always claimed he had a better chance than Crooked Hillary, except for the period of apparent fallout from Pussygate. Then Weiner and Comey came back into the news, and it was game-on again.
Grind before: I don't really support Trump. I just want Hillary to lose, and to see liberals get mad!

Grind after: Trump, will you marry me?
Grind before: I don't really support Trump. I just want Hillary to lose, and to see liberals get mad!

Grind after: Trump, will you marry me?
Not inconsistent.....after seeing how angry the liberals elevated trump to Olympic circle level trollism.....
Grind before: I don't really support Trump. I just want Hillary to lose, and to see liberals get mad!

Grind after: Trump, will you marry me?

you'll noticed I threadbanned almost all liberals except you. I didn't threadban you because while I find you delusional, I don't usually see you as a liar. I've been very open about the things I support and the things I don't, sadly the thing you liberals are always in a tizzy over the dumbest stuff. Start talking about net neutrality or something and we can have a real conversation.
you'll noticed I threadbanned almost all liberals except you. I didn't threadban you because while I find you delusional, I don't usually see you as a liar. I've been very open about the things I support and the things I don't, sadly the thing you liberals are always in a tizzy over the dumbest stuff. Start talking about net neutrality or something and we can have a real conversation.

Do you know what the "dumbest stuff" is? Telling government officials to try to prove your crowd was the biggest on inauguration day. Instituting an immigration ban that, had in been in place for the past 15 years, wouldn't have prevented even one attack. Calling for an investigation into massive voter fraud when there is no massive voter fraud.

And on the latter, how embarrassing is it that you actually tried to defend it w/ some lame "how do we know it isn't true" defense? You know Trump isn't looking at any evidence whatsoever on that. He's just throwing it out there, because he's crazy-insecure about losing the popular vote.
Calling for an investigation into massive voter fraud when there is no massive voter fraud.

how can you know unless you investigate? Why did you support jill stein recounts when there was no evidence to do one before said recount.

also you are kinda just all over the place in this thread.
November 7th:

November 9th:

Once again Grind proves he doesn't have the balls god gave a bull tit mouse by threadbanning the person who is the object of his lame ad hom.

What's the matter Grind. Gave up on trolling? I can't blame you. You're attempts at trolling are about as lame as one of Tom's jokes.
Grind before: I don't really support Trump. I just want Hillary to lose, and to see liberals get mad!

Grind after: Trump, will you marry me?
I know. Grinds attempts at trolling are like a Tim Wakefield fastball. You'd have to be blind not to see it coming.
you'll noticed I threadbanned almost all liberals except you. I didn't threadban you because while I find you delusional, I don't usually see you as a liar. I've been very open about the things I support and the things I don't, sadly the thing you liberals are always in a tizzy over the dumbest stuff. Start talking about net neutrality or something and we can have a real conversation.
You didn't threadban me either Tit Mouse.

This thread is the perfect illustration of leftist stupidity and hypocrisy. For eight years these same bran dead liberal whiners railed against obstructing a Presidents agenda. Today, these lying hypocrites declare it is a duty to obstruct and derail the Presidency.

Unfortunately, these brain dead liberal losers lack the intelligence to comprehend the OBVIOUS.