Bachmann loses Georgia

Don't be. Democrats, as former slavers, deserve to be pwned. the lying little turd DUMBYANKEE still butthurt because he had to admit to lying and putting words in other people's mouths?

It's okay little liar...just rub some salve on those sore buttocks and you'll feel better in no time! the lying little turd DUMBYANKEE still butthurt because he had to admit to lying and putting words in other people's mouths?

It's okay little liar...just rub some salve on those sore buttocks and you'll feel better in no time!

yet you claim changing someone's post makes them a petty douchebag and a liar

LOL the lying little turd DUMBYANKEE still butthurt because he had to admit to lying and putting words in other people's mouths?

It's okay little liar...just rub some salve on those sore buttocks and you'll feel better in no time!

I can't admit to lying Zippy, because that would be lying.

Post 320 awaits your answer.
I can't admit to lying Zippy, because that would be lying.

Post 320 awaits your answer.

No...You can't admit to lying because you're a typical RightWing hack...and RightWing hacks don't admit when they've been caught lying.

As to post 320...

We'll get to answering post 320 right AFTER you answer my know, the one you've ducked for 23+ pages now.

Point out PRECISELY WHERE I used the term "big" to describe Bachmann's win in Georgia.
Again, Zippy, its not about precision, but perception. There's only one reason why you'd highlight Bachmann's loss: because you thought it was big. As big as your belly. :)
Again, Zippy, its not about precision, but perception. There's only one reason why you'd highlight Bachmann's loss: because you thought it was big. As big as your belly. :)

And therein lies the flaw at the heart of your "perception".

Anyone with common sense knows there certainly could be more than one reason why I "highlighted Bachmanns loss"...because I knew doing so would cause you to get your undies in a bunch and spend the past two months making excuses, hurling epithets and ad homs and dodging any real debate.

...and you responded exactly as predicted!
In other words, you thought it was a big loss. Thanks. :)

No...I thought it was a "loss" and despite all your attempts to cliam otherwise, you STILL haven't provided even one scrap of evidence to support your claim.

I've pwned you on this one for 23+ pages now and until you give up and admit you were lying, I'm going to go right on pwning you over and over.
Dude, it was you that has been pwned here. I'm not surprised that you are ashamed to admit it though. It does explain, however, at why you shy away from taking a stand on issues and instead focus on personal animosities against those who have shown you to be a fool. :)
Dude, it was you that has been pwned here. I'm not surprised that you are ashamed to admit it though. It does explain, however, at why you shy away from taking a stand on issues and instead focus on personal animosities against those who have shown you to be a fool. :)

Uh-huh...sure not surprised that someone who is incapable of admitting he's wrong wouldn't own up to his own sweat.

I don't shy away from issues...the issue with this thread is your petty inability to admit you lied.
Actually the issue is that you think that some poll was a big loss to one of the candidates who did not win.

What other issues have you taken a stand on? Besides personal vendettas, of course.