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I think that attitude is capitalistic Super, not liberal.
Billions made annyually on mood pills.
Got a hangnail, tell your doctor to give you this pill....
I think that attitude is capitalistic Super, not liberal.
Billions made annyually on mood pills.
Got a hangnail, tell your doctor to give you this pill....
(fast speaking smooth-talking legalese at end of commercial)...

Side effects include, but were not present in all cases, mild to explosive diarrhea, extreme to severe stomach pain, dementia, suicidal ideation, and in rare cases grand mal seizures resulting in painful death. Take only with a doctor's prescription. Not available for elderly, or adult patients, medication is experimental.
LOL yep and if you stop taking this medicine your risk of hangnails will increase. Hows that for a captive addicted customer.
I think that attitude is capitalistic Super, not liberal.
Billions made annyually on mood pills.
Got a hangnail, tell your doctor to give you this pill....

And since liberals are all commie hippies, we have to conclude that SF's aforementioned example is really more a conservative strategy on dealing with reality.:D
USCitizen/Lady T....In reality, I actually believe it to be a combo of the two. I think the "lack of personal responsibility for ones actions" is more of a liberal philosophy and the conservatives are like "well ok, if that is what you think, then I have this wonderful magic pill that will make you alllllllllllll better"
