Back in the hospital.

nope i just fail at life. Although now they may want to surgery because my immune system sucks so hard.

On the plus side I have my own single room with 2 HD tvs, so that's a plus

Oh and I have finals this week, that's a minus O_O

OMG! That's terrible!! If you want a get well card send me an email!!!!!!
OMG! That's terrible!! If you want a get well card send me an email!!!!!!

Me too! I'll send you a card, heck many of us would. You could then spend your time trying to explain all the intricacies of messageboards. :)
Poor Grind! Hope you've got enough meds to make you comfortable, at least! PS I'll be happy to send you a card too. :)
Are you out?

Grind, how are you feeling today? Are you out for Christmas? Hope you're okay for the holidays.