Back Pain Sucks...

I have yet to have any prescription meds I enjoyed.

Glad they do the trick for you Damo.

Backpain would suck.
Yeah, it does. But you gotta look for the silver lining.

This makes me have incentive to get my abs back into shape. I can't keep taking drugs that I can get addicted to.
But Percocet is Magical...

I'm baked.

Back in '88 I managed to herniate two discs and ended up in the hospital for 10 days, in traction. Since they wanted to operate and I nixed that, been very careful regarding any pain in back. New Year's Eve I awoke about 9:30 pm on a chair having fallen asleep watching a movie. The next thing I knew, it was 1:15 am, I was on the floor with my new puppy licking my face.

Back pain was gone, took puppy for a walk.

Truth is it seems my back can go out of whack even on my very expensive mattress, the floor seems the best way to realign.
also I have taken a lot and so far I have no physical dependence on it. I barely have a psychological dependence.
HELLLLL yeah i've got 80 oxy (same thing as percocet) after my surgery. It's good stuff.

Glad to see you back and sounding better, Grind. Hope things got fixed and you are on the mend.
Back in '88 I managed to herniate two discs and ended up in the hospital for 10 days, in traction. Since they wanted to operate and I nixed that, been very careful regarding any pain in back. New Year's Eve I awoke about 9:30 pm on a chair having fallen asleep watching a movie. The next thing I knew, it was 1:15 am, I was on the floor with my new puppy licking my face.

Back pain was gone, took puppy for a walk.

Truth is it seems my back can go out of whack even on my very expensive mattress, the floor seems the best way to realign.

Smart woman , I have never known anyone whos back surgery worked to make it better. It always seems to have no result on the pain reduction. I have known many with back pain to prefer a hard bed or the floor. I would die. I need my sleep and could not live without it. Fortunatly I have never had any sleep problems. If I tried to sleep on the floor I would be a twisted mess. I have way too many bumpy areas on my body. I have to have a water bed or an air mattress filled just for me. Luckily my hubby is the same. To buy a regular mattress I would have to spend a fortune on a thick pillowtop kind.

Now for the important part, A NEW PUPPY? Tell us all about the little thing.
Glad to hear you are at least in good enough condition to enjoy your oxycontin Grind.

Dont turn into a Rush.

Just say NO to Dr shopping.

Seriously though Dude glad to hear you are doing better.
Smart woman , I have never known anyone whos back surgery worked to make it better. It always seems to have no result on the pain reduction. I have known many with back pain to prefer a hard bed or the floor. I would die. I need my sleep and could not live without it. Fortunatly I have never had any sleep problems. If I tried to sleep on the floor I would be a twisted mess. I have way too many bumpy areas on my body. I have to have a water bed or an air mattress filled just for me. Luckily my hubby is the same. To buy a regular mattress I would have to spend a fortune on a thick pillowtop kind.

Now for the important part, A NEW PUPPY? Tell us all about the little thing.

A toy dauschand, just a bit younger than a year, wasn't going through training. ;) My son just had to 'rescue' her from being killed. He named her Julia Roberts. :rolleyes: Anyways, she chewed up on of my hearing aids yesterday, I've a call now to see if covered under my 'additional insurance' from purchase. Arrggg, $2500 I don't have right now. She is cute, though aggressive with other dogs, it was my fault to leave the aid on the table.
A toy dauschand, just a bit younger than a year, wasn't going through training. ;) My son just had to 'rescue' her from being killed. He named her Julia Roberts. :rolleyes: Anyways, she chewed up on of my hearing aids yesterday, I've a call now to see if covered under my 'additional insurance' from purchase. Arrggg, $2500 I don't have right now. She is cute, though aggressive with other dogs, it was my fault to leave the aid on the table.

Oh man wienner dogs are sooo cute. If he can pop for the dog maybe he needs to help with the hearing aide. Hopefully the insurance will kick in. Puppys all seek out just the things you dont want them to have somehow.
The dog agression thing can be taken care of in time. Julia , that will be a cute name or JR , not very girly but hey who knows she may be a tomboy.

Is she the regular coloring or is she red or merle?
Oh man wienner dogs are sooo cute. If he can pop for the dog maybe he needs to help with the hearing aide. Hopefully the insurance will kick in. Puppys all seek out just the things you dont want them to have somehow.
The dog agression thing can be taken care of in time. Julia , that will be a cute name or JR , not very girly but hey who knows she may be a tomboy.

Is she the regular coloring or is she red or merle?

Redish with black and tan markings. I sure hope the insurance will kick in, they said they'd call back 'in minutes', it's been nearly an hour. I'll give them until 2pm.

I've been calling her JR, something weird about a dog named Julia.

Ok, just heard from the hearing aid place, is covered, but with a 25% deductible, so it'll be nearly $700 which still beats out $2500. *sigh*
Call the son who thought she was the perfect present.

I love the reddish ones. They are so beautiful.

Lia is also doable , JR is cute but somehow dogs names just seem to shorten after you have them awhile.