Back Pain Sucks...

Call the son who thought she was the perfect present.

I love the reddish ones. They are so beautiful.

Lia is also doable , JR is cute but somehow dogs names just seem to shorten after you have them awhile.

Ah, but that kid is still finishing up school, indeed doing his criminal justice internship. He's paid for college, not hitting him up for that. Sigh. LOL!
I had a full sized Weiner dog many years ago. So smart and about 45 lbs and not fat.
Stubborn dogs though.
I have not seen a full sized Weiner dog in years though.
Just the mid to small sized ones.
My last one was a mid sized one. Had to have him put down at about 15 yrs old.
Still miss that little turd.
I had a full sized Weiner dog many years ago. So smart and about 45 lbs and not fat.
Stubborn dogs though.
I have not seen a full sized Weiner dog in years though.
Just the mid to small sized ones.
My last one was a mid sized one. Had to have him put down at about 15 yrs old.
Still miss that little turd.

Funny, I've never been fond of 'little dogs' and this guy is about 8 pounds. Truth is at my age, I like that she can sit on my lap for hours and when I walk him, I'm stronger. ;)

She has a nice personality, other than with other dogs. She nuts regarding that though. The other day my son was walking her, a Lab of a neighbor was off its lease and just meandering about. The puppy started barking wildly and the lab approached. Dumb wiener dog went for its throat, my son trying frantically to get her off. The labs owner came running and got them apart. The lab was unfazed, JR kept barking, baring teeth, and lunging. Dumb that.
Funny, I've never been fond of 'little dogs' and this guy is about 8 pounds. Truth is at my age, I like that she can sit on my lap for hours and when I walk him, I'm stronger. ;)

She has a nice personality, other than with other dogs. She nuts regarding that though. The other day my son was walking her, a Lab of a neighbor was off its lease and just meandering about. The puppy started barking wildly and the lab approached. Dumb wiener dog went for its throat, my son trying frantically to get her off. The labs owner came running and got them apart. The lab was unfazed, JR kept barking, baring teeth, and lunging. Dumb that.

They pretty much have no fear.

My full sized on had a big head and body just no legs and was toughter than a pit bull.
Little dogs are fine as long as you treat them like a dog.

Next time try laying her down on her side and making a claw of your fingers and placing it on her neck. It will remind her of her mothers jaw. Make her lie down and allow the other dogs to sniff her up and down. Make her stay in this position until she calms down. The hardest part of this whole exersize is to remain clam while you do it. Calm and assertive as Ceasar calls it. I had to do this to my Aussie when she first started to go to the dog park. It worked great. I could ask her if she wanted me to lay her down when she got uppity. It may take a couple of times doing it for them to get the idea.

Being an Aussie she wanted to heard the other dogs when they tried to wrestle with each other. She would break them up and not allow them to play.
Interesting blend of topics, back pain and weiner dogs.
Weiners are prone to back problems.

My wife got a miniature longhair weiner dog for xmas.

Took Louie to the vet and got all his first stuff done. Little begger weighs all of 3 lbs.

He loves to go out side and run in the open grass. And the good news is, you can let him run full-out for 5 mins and he still doesn't get out of the yard.
Little dogs are fine as long as you treat them like a dog.

Next time try laying her down on her side and making a claw of your fingers and placing it on her neck. It will remind her of her mothers jaw. Make her lie down and allow the other dogs to sniff her up and down. Make her stay in this position until she calms down. The hardest part of this whole exersize is to remain clam while you do it. Calm and assertive as Ceasar calls it. I had to do this to my Aussie when she first started to go to the dog park. It worked great. I could ask her if she wanted me to lay her down when she got uppity. It may take a couple of times doing it for them to get the idea.

Being an Aussie she wanted to heard the other dogs when they tried to wrestle with each other. She would break them up and not allow them to play.
Thanks for that! I'll try it with my brother's dogs, as she tried to attack his 4 pound Chihuahua, yesterday. (He kiddingly said he'd get his gun for that and my hearing aid. ) She is strong though, for her size!