Bad luck guys

All USF wants to do is talk about how he tied up a dog outside in the Arizona heat, and after 3 days with no water, it just up and died on him. I don't want to hear about that shit. That's just CRUEL!

And now Jackoff, I'm free to just make shit up about you.

Thanks :good4u:

That's why Life is Golden hates his guts!

(shaking head) People keep telling USF "stop digging". Does it help? "No". He just keeps digging himself into one hole after another, deeper and deeper with his lies.
(after his infamous "No Ban Thread", he asked me "Why do people call me USLIAR911?")
You know what is Sad, Jade. You come to JPP for Discussion, for civil discourse, for a learning experience, ... and then you meet these professional Trolls like USF that just can't have an intelligent conversation.
It's just SAD!

That’s why he is on ignore.