T. A. Gardner
Thread Killer
You lie and suffer the consequences- end of story
Thank you for that gratuitous insult.
You lie and suffer the consequences- end of story
What? That Obama appointed judges are, in particular, extremely poor at following the law and case law in their rulings resulting in being overturned at every appeal? Because, like it or not, that's their track record versus Trump. That's neither opinion, nor is it support for Trump. It's factual history at this point.
I still don’t understand how you can appeal a two times admission of guilt. It just boggles the mind.There is the out, “appeal,” anything Trump or his surrogates do that is challenged is going to wind up in the Court system, and given Trump’s stacking the SCOTUS with his lackeys, he nor those surrogates are ever going to be held accountable
You lie and suffer the consequences- end of story
If you notice T.A. starts off his posts seemingly to be unbiased. Once you read a little deeper, his clear bias starts showing very brightly....)
He will claim to be somewhat nuetral but he will ultimately shift ALL blame and consequences away from DJT and towards his perception of the "left". He is every bit as much of a "trumpanzee" as the others, he just has a bit more "polish".....)
Maybe you should look a bit closer at this. Sullivan's rulings will stand only until they're appealed.
Sullivan, who ruled on the original Flynn conviction, is tainted goods. During the sentencing, he burst out with a tirade against Flynn from the bench that he had to apologize for the next day--formally and from the bench. That is a rarity but when it happens but usually the judge is removed from the case for open bias against the defendant.
Next, Sullivan failed to follow case law and precedent in using Gleeson. The supreme court has already ruled more than once against such actions and it doesn't help Sullivan's case that Gleeson had made public statements against Flynn in the past and is an active Democrat politically. The Supreme Court precedent is US v. Sineneng-Smith, and even Justice Ginsburg easily the most liberal of the Justices would side against Sullivan based on her opinions given in that case. Sullivan doesn't have a legal leg to stand on.
In fact, Flynn's lawyers have filed appeals and a writ of mandamus with the DC Court of Appeals (the next level up in the courts) asking them to demand Sullivan explain and defend his actions. Sullivan responded by hiring lawyers himself rather than give a written response as asked for...
Now the DC Court of Appeals is seriously considering taking the whole case away from Sullivan, based on his actions, and giving it to another judge. That would be a serious slap in the face to Sullivan as it says he's either too biased and tainted or incompetent to handle the case, or both.
Maybe you should look a bit closer at this. Sullivan's rulings will stand only until they're appealed.
Sullivan, who ruled on the original Flynn conviction, is tainted goods. During the sentencing, he burst out with a tirade against Flynn from the bench that he had to apologize for the next day--formally and from the bench. That is a rarity but when it happens but usually the judge is removed from the case for open bias against the defendant.
Next, Sullivan failed to follow case law and precedent in using Gleeson. The supreme court has already ruled more than once against such actions and it doesn't help Sullivan's case that Gleeson had made public statements against Flynn in the past and is an active Democrat politically. The Supreme Court precedent is US v. Sineneng-Smith, and even Justice Ginsburg easily the most liberal of the Justices would side against Sullivan based on her opinions given in that case. Sullivan doesn't have a legal leg to stand on.
In fact, Flynn's lawyers have filed appeals and a writ of mandamus with the DC Court of Appeals (the next level up in the courts) asking them to demand Sullivan explain and defend his actions. Sullivan responded by hiring lawyers himself rather than give a written response as asked for...
Now the DC Court of Appeals is seriously considering taking the whole case away from Sullivan, based on his actions, and giving it to another judge. That would be a serious slap in the face to Sullivan as it says he's either too biased and tainted or incompetent to handle the case, or both.