Bad things that have happened to me


on indefiniate mod break
About 6 months ago I reached 5000 posts. But I did not notice it until after the fact. This prevented me from making a "5000 post" post. I was massively disappointed, and vowed it wouldnt happen again. Today I learned I am at 6075. FUCK MY LIFE!

In other news, I was trying to hang a picture the other day when I stood up on my bed. Apparently my mattress is more springy than I thought when you stand on it, and as soon as I stood on it, it bounced me the fuck off, I landed full forced on the side of my foot which hurt like a bitch, and now I can't walk normally. My ankle is still throbbing. Th hammer flew in the air and missed my face by inches. The picture however slammed into my mouth. Fuck pictures.
About 6 months ago I reached 5000 posts. But I did not notice it until after the fact. This prevented me from making a "5000 post" post. I was massively disappointed, and vowed it wouldnt happen again. Today I learned I am at 6075. FUCK MY LIFE!

In other news, I was trying to hang a picture the other day when I stood up on my bed. Apparently my mattress is more springy than I thought when you stand on it, and as soon as I stood on it, it bounced me the fuck off, I landed full forced on the side of my foot which hurt like a bitch, and now I can't walk normally. My ankle is still throbbing. Th hammer flew in the air and missed my face by inches. The picture however slammed into my mouth. Fuck pictures.

You should go into written comedy. I almost shit myself laughing.
hence the benefit of playing sports vs being a computer dork

computer dorks save lives by figuring out the mysteries of our universe through complex calucaltions and running lab tests on diseases, among many other things. Sports players tap each other homo-erotically on the ass after a nice play. Hiter liked sports, he was at the olympics.
computer dorks save lives by figuring out the mysteries of our universe through complex calucaltions and running lab tests on diseases, among many other things. Sports players tap each other homo-erotically on the ass after a nice play. Hiter liked sports, he was at the olympics.

OMG, I never imagined you were a virgin dork like waterturd and threepee.
Sorry dude, proceed with your dungeons and dragons.:pke:
like this
Sports players tap each other homo-erotically on the ass after a nice play

Dude, fannypacs think your gay
Have you had that ankle checked out? Please do -- you can't imagine what might be wrong and how long it can affect nearly everything you do. A friend of mine walked around with a broken bone in her foot for a year. It healed incorrectly (no surprise) and the stress broke an adjacent bone. She was in a walking cast for a while after it was finally diagnosed, but the bones will never quite be the same even though they've healed.

Several years ago, while playing volleyball I jumped fairly high for the ball, so did the person next to me, and I landed on my ankle. It swelled immediately and hurt like hell. Of course I continued to play because I can be stubborn like that. The next day I taped it up and played a fairly tame game of squash. That abuse cost me two years before I could swim again, couldn't stand the force of the water against my foot. So go. Have it checked out. It may be, like mine, a tendon or ligament injury, which can be incapacitating for longer than a break if you don't take care of it.

Long ago a friend of mine decided to move a picture on his wall. He had a hard time removing the nail, used the claw on the hammer to pry it out, but had his face too close to the thing. When the nail came free suddenly, he smashed himself in the face, broke his nose and came in to the lab with a horrendous black eye. He hesitated to tell me about it because it was too hard not to laugh over the sympathy for his obvious pain.
You should go into written comedy. I almost shit myself laughing.
he tried, but he dropped the keyboard on his foot and broke his toe....then, when he tried to mail it to an editor he got a paper cut, it got infected and they amputated his right thumb.....later, when he was hitchhiking to the doctor to get a clean bill of health a motorist thought he was shaking his fist, mistook him for a terrorist and shot him to death.....his life sucks.....
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thanks for putting my mind at ease thorn

You're welcome :p

Anyway, get that checked, please? It could be something minor but if you're still limping and in pain, you'd be better to have some help identifying what's going on, and immobilising it correctly.
i have many more stories to share. one day I will share some of the following:

The day I got punched in the face by an ex-marine that had robbed a store and was running from the police

The day a bus backed up onto my car inches from my windshield and face

The day my friends and I got stoned and I accidentally locked one of them out of his room when he had a midterm and a ten page paper due the next day
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