Bad things that have happened to me

Here's a Thomas Kinkade piece, BTW:


Yeah. He's that cheesy. This is serious, not parody.
I just learned about art yesterday, and now I would like to name drop artists and post their paintings to make myself seem more worldly and cultured, even though in reality I just live in buttfuck mississippi
I just learned about art yesterday, and now I would like to name drop artists and post their paintings to make myself seem more worldly and cultured, even though in reality I just live in buttfuck mississippi

Name dropping that guy is like name dropping The Black Eyed Peas. Very famous and very famous for being very famous despite having practically no talent.
I forgot to mention how much better I am at painting castles and trees/rivers and rainbows than thomas kinkade. He is such a piece of shit artist. He has no talent what so ever, his efforts are shallow and pedantic at best.
I forgot to mention how much better I am at painting castles and trees/rivers and rainbows than thomas kinkade. He is such a piece of shit artist. He has no talent what so ever, his efforts are shallow and pedantic at best.

I don't need to paint better than someone to know that they're shit. I'm shit, that's why I don't paint, and they should follow my lead.
I would like to explain to myself how it is that I have formed this opinion. What criteria am I using to judge his lack of artistic merit? Or perhaps I am just reading what others have said and I've formed the basis of my opinion around that. I am probably going to argue that in a vacuum I wouldn't know where to begin to deconstruct a piece by the man.
I would like to explain to myself how it is that I have formed this opinion. What criteria am I using to judge his lack of artistic merit? Or perhaps I am just reading what others have said and I've formed the basis of my opinion around that. I am probably going to argue that in a vacuum I wouldn't know where to begin to deconstruct a piece by the man.

Everyone knows that all art is only meritorious in proportion to its popularity.
computer dorks save lives by figuring out the mysteries of our universe through complex calucaltions and running lab tests on diseases, among many other things. Sports players tap each other homo-erotically on the ass after a nice play. Hiter liked sports, he was at the olympics.

where is your graph to prove this...:cool:
About 6 months ago I reached 5000 posts. But I did not notice it until after the fact. This prevented me from making a "5000 post" post. I was massively disappointed, and vowed it wouldnt happen again. Today I learned I am at 6075. FUCK MY LIFE!

In other news, I was trying to hang a picture the other day when I stood up on my bed. Apparently my mattress is more springy than I thought when you stand on it, and as soon as I stood on it, it bounced me the fuck off, I landed full forced on the side of my foot which hurt like a bitch, and now I can't walk normally. My ankle is still throbbing. Th hammer flew in the air and missed my face by inches. The picture however slammed into my mouth. Fuck pictures.
Well it certainly is nice to know that your parents tuition money has been wisely invested. :pke:
OMG, I never imagined you were a virgin dork like waterturd and threepee.
Sorry dude, proceed with your dungeons and dragons.:pke:
I used to play Dungeons and Dragons....well I played twice.....the second time the DM threw me out for leaving in the middle of the game to get a blow job from some skank. Go figure?
You're welcome :p

Anyway, get that checked, please? It could be something minor but if you're still limping and in pain, you'd be better to have some help identifying what's going on, and immobilising it correctly.
But we like it when he's in pain. He makes more sense and he makes us laugh! :)