Bad Thinkers

Some people believe they can attain expertise on highly technical topics by reading obscure blogs on the interwebs.

The architectural engineering of the twin towers.
The science of climate change.
The epidemiology of a COVID virus.

These armchair experts believe they do not need years of specialized training in college, graduate school, and post-docs to have their opinions on scientific and engineering topics taken seriously.

Surprisingly, many of these self styled armchair experts wind up on jpp dot com.

I myself try to keep my mouth shut on topics I have no expertise in. You will not find me on many threads about stock market, mechanical engineering, or moonshine brewing.
And...the internet is such that 5 Google pages on a subject all cite the original bogus source.
Some people believe they can attain expertise on highly technical topics by reading obscure blogs on the interwebs.

The architectural engineering of the twin towers.
The science of climate change.
The epidemiology of a COVID virus.

These armchair experts believe they do not need years of specialized training in college, graduate school, and post-docs to have their opinions on scientific and engineering topics taken seriously.

Surprisingly, many of these self styled armchair experts wind up on jpp dot com.

I myself try to keep my mouth shut on topics I have no expertise in. You will not find me on many threads about stock market, mechanical engineering, or moonshine brewing.

The one I remember reading about was a Popular Mechanics article about the collapse of WTC tower 7. To be fair I accepted the official explanation for the collapse and can't argue for or against the PM article.
How long do you think something could be kept quiet about his death?

There are some hinky things with it, but the main sticking point is that it would require thousands of Americans to keep their mouths shut about the "conspiracy". That's an impossibility. People normally talk. There are also leakers, spies and idiots. Lastly, wouldn't among the first things most Presidents ask for is "the JFK file"?...and in Trump's case, Roswell.
The one I remember reading about was a Popular Mechanics article about the collapse of WTC tower 7. To be fair I accepted the official explanation for the collapse and can't argue for or against the PM article.
I stayed out of the 'truther' threads back in the day. They were an exercise in futility. stoned night I had an epiphany of sorts. After Abdel Rahman failed to take down the WTC in '93, I wondered if they retrofitted the towers with explosives in order to have a controlled demo in case of another attack.

Of course, they couldn't tell anyone.
There are some hinky things with it, but the main sticking point is that it would require thousands of Americans to keep their mouths shut about the "conspiracy". That's an impossibility. People normally talk. There are also leakers, spies and idiots. Lastly, wouldn't among the first things most Presidents ask for is "the JFK file"?...and in Trump's case, Roswell.

All of the above and, this happened 50-odd years ago so if the "truth" came out, who would still be alive to take the blame? And how could "whoever" be punished for the killing?
I stayed out of the 'truther' threads back in the day. They were an exercise in futility. stoned night I had an epiphany of sorts. After Abdel Rahman failed to take down the WTC in '93, I wondered if they retrofitted the towers with explosives in order to have a controlled demo in case of another attack.

Of course, they couldn't tell anyone.

That's a nice theory lol. Did you think out how the retrofitters gained access to do their dirty work?
What if the CIA knew about it?

Then IMO it would be like the Tuskeegee experiment that ran for 40 years before it was leaked. In that case it was the US Public Health Service doing the dirty and I don't know that they were punished in any way for it. As far as Kennedy, the head of the CIA could say "On behalf of the CIA I apologize for..." and that's about all that would happen.
Then IMO it would be like the Tuskeegee experiment that ran for 40 years before it was leaked. In that case it was the US Public Health Service doing the dirty and I don't know that they were punished in any way for it. As far as Kennedy, the head of the CIA could say "On behalf of the CIA I apologize for..." and that's about all that would happen.

CIA would never admit they allowed a President to be murdered.
All of the above and, this happened 50-odd years ago so if the "truth" came out, who would still be alive to take the blame? And how could "whoever" be punished for the killing?

IF there was a conspiracy, then the answer to those questions would explain why it's been so successfully kept secret for so many decades. It's have to be something that is clearly, without a doubt, in the best interests of the United States then and now. I think the "who" is more likely an "it"...such as a country. Not Cuba.

FWIW, I've been to Dealey Plaza. It was one of the first places I visited after moving here. I visited all the places then went to the Grassy Knoll. When I got there and looked at the X in the road I got a chill: It was the perfect spot for a sniper. Looking straight down the road as the cars approached and, because it was a slight downslope, looking right over the windshield into the car.
And...the internet is such that 5 Google pages on a subject all cite the original bogus source.

That is why trained experts spend years in graduate school and post-docs becoming intimately familiar with the peer reviewed scientific literature and developing highly honed skills in inductive reasoning

Because becoming an expert with an opinion that matters takes more than reading a couple of blogs and then running over to jpp dot com the posture as an armchair expert.