Into the Night
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How so? Lying to a bank in order to induce a better loan is not fraud?
How so? Lying to a bank in order to induce a better loan is not fraud?
Duetche Bank lost lots of money.
I suggest you read “Dark Towers” by David Enrich.
It has a lot of details about Trump and Duetche Bank.
Untrue information on a loan application is one example.
And yet they did as was stated above.
Again you show, that as a claimed lawyer, you have zero understanding of the law.
Just because Banks will do some of their own diligence to try and ensure what you are telling is true and accurate DOES NOT mean they are not relying on your representations on signed documents.
It is beyond belief that you, as a claimed real estate lawyer would tell a client, 'make up whatever net worth and income you need to get the loan as the bank does it its own diligence so nothing you say is fraud or matters'
That as a lawyer you believe that is the biggest tell you are not a lawyer. Representation on Bank and Insurance form matter even if those Institutions try to prevent fraud by donning some diligence. You should know that.
Derp logic : If you would not otherwise qualify for the loan, like the Deutsche bank loan manager said Trump would not have, you simply lie about everything to tell them what they need to hear to give you the loan, and at cheaper rates. That the bank faces more risk, in adverse conditions, should the loan not be paid back, and the collateral be worth a fraction of what was claimed, simply does not matter, as long as, in the end you pay back the loan.
/derp reasoning.
According to NY Criminal code, it does not matter how the victim reacts to the fraud, its only the action of the Criminal that matters.
If I try to scam an elderly person out of her savings, and she is to smart to fall for it... I still committed a crime.
It's 99% of lawyers that give the other 1% a bad reputation...
Honest question. How do people as simple minded as you even manage to breath?
YES, lying on Government forms, Bank forms and Insurance forms and some others is illegal, even if you do not cause others to suffer financial losses.
NOne of the below require a person cause any loss. Simply SUBMITTING fraudulent forms is a crime, even if the bank or Insurance company catches and rejects them.
False. Banks do SOME due diligence and ALSO rely on representations.
Read above what they Deutsche Bank loan manager said in court about Trumps representations and how HE WOULD NOT have got the loans had they known the full truth of Trump's lies and fraud about values.
In 2008 Mortgage crisis, it was shown that Mortgage brokers were filing in loans with 'fake income' and 'assets' to then get banks to fund the loans. The banks did not recheck the work of the Mortgage brokers and RELIED on their written representations that they did the work and checks and the information given was truthful and accurate.
Again what you are arguing is that you can lie about everything you submit to the bank. That you earn 100 times what you do. That you own assets you do not. And that the bank either catches every lie with their diligence or it is no crime, because you are allowed to lie.
That just shows the depths of your stupidity that you made it to adulthood and think that.
I posted you several of the laws, you failed to comment on those posts, you ran.
Untrue information on a loan application is one example.
cite the requirments of the crime Trump is charged with....
they're fully responsible for what they sign.
the bank is not bringing a suit.
this judge is off the rails and should be locked up.
is untrue information in your brain a crime?
No, but once you put it on paper and sign it or have someone sign it, its a crime.
the banks signed off on it.
cite the requirments of the crime Trump is charged with....
...In the 2008 decision People v Elliassen, the Richmond County Supreme Court (within the Second Department) held that the intent to defraud required no pecuniary loss, and that interference with the legitimate public administration... sufficed . The court stated:
Counts Two through Thirteen, Falsifying Business Records in the First and Second Degrees, ... These statutes require defendants to have an “intent to defraud”. It is not necessary to show a property or pecuniary loss from the fraud,....
...The court reviewed relevant precedent–including Kase, Schrag, and Elliassen–and held that “the term ‘intent to defraud’ does not require an intent to deprive the state of money or property, but rather intent to frustrate legitimate state interests and processes.
they're fully responsible for what they sign.
the bank is not bringing a suit.
this judge is off the rails and should be locked up.
THis judge has no standing.
the banks signed off on it.