Your too old for him, don't worry.Do you work at being an asshole, or does it just come naturally.
Kind of fits doesn't it? Howeys deviant, sick remarks about an underage boy and gay priests in the Catholic Church
Howies persistent and repeated threats against my family have been denied by his obamacult pals.
Winterborn amongst them.
Howey's remarks, if they are what was stated, are disgusted and perverted. Catholic priests molesting children are disgusting.
Claiming that either of those equates to general characteristics of all homosexuals is simply ignorant.
Gay priests go after underage boys. Howey made sexual comments about underage boys. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck. It's a duck.
Like I said, I always knew Howey was a stalking deviant perv. It was just verified by an unimpeachable source.
Howey's remarks, if they are what was stated, are disgusted and perverted. Catholic priests molesting children are disgusting.
Claiming that either of those equates to general characteristics of all homosexuals is simply ignorant.
We could argue whether going after young boys is a matter of availability and that pedophiles who prey on prepubescent kids are neither gay nor straight. But that is another argument entirely.
If you equate priests molesting kids with Howey making remarks about kids, I have no problem with it.
I did not.Dude, you claim that my post of "How about you make your point without all the extra bullshit, can you manage that?" was a threat on your life.
Maybe a course in reading comprehension would help you some.