
:laugh: "ask the mods"

Yes, please do. Come back and let us know how many of them agree that Mason and/or I are the person(s) who got banned for supposedly posting your personal info. Or better yet, ask one to put in an appearance and let us all know without your toxic twist to everything.
She's still obsessing over someone who got permabanned here a year and a half ago, allegedly for posting her personal info. She's sure it's either Mason or I and has been gnashing her teeth because we're still here. Funny how the mods don't agree.

She's nuts. If it was you, or him, you'd both likely be gone.
I have only started a couple of threads during my time here, and can only recall thread-banning two people. One, simply because she thread-banned me first. The second because, while civil toward me, he has been repulsively obnoxious toward several others.

While I continue to be amazed by the people who step into the 12b trap multiple times, there are no sanctions against accusing people of engaging in incest. I would ban that guy on general principle.
She's nuts. If it was you, or him, you'd both likely be gone.

Of course we would. She's right; they don't put up with that. So why she keeps nattering about it and suggesting that the banned one(s) are still posting, is just a guess. I'm going to go with Bat Shit Crazy for $800, Alex.
One of JPP’s legendary posters “Topspin” was permabaned cause he habitually insulted members with pedophile wise cracks. He was cool as hell and I miss him but I had to support the Mods as he’d been warned many times.

I miss him too, he always made me laugh with his jokes and non sequiturs.
They only do the perma-bans for serial abusers. I even got a warning once on 12b, because someone seems to report the hell out of it. I got a warning because it was kind of a nitpicking, and bogus complaint.

The MODs don't give out warnings for reports that are nitpicking and bogus.

If you got a warning, is was because you were edging real close to that 12b line and had you continued, there would be a consequence.

Poor Toxic. No, you are not special. Yes, you can get permabans for many things -- not just posting personal info. Ask the mods. I'm sorry that you still think that a year and a half after someone no one ever heard of did something no one even saw, that allegedly involved you, you can't move on or get over it. But really, dear, you're not special at all. Unless you mean in that one particular sense. :laugh:


She's still obsessing over someone who got permabanned here a year and a half ago, allegedly for posting her personal info. She's sure it's either Mason or I and has been gnashing her teeth because we're still here. Funny how the mods don't agree.


It seems like some here keep breaking the rules and get banned for various amounts of time. Shouldn't the site have a rule that says if someone get banned 3 times in a six month period the forth infraction is 3 month ban the 1st time and a perma ban if they have 3 more in a second six month period.

You running for moderator?
She's still obsessing over someone who got permabanned here a year and a half ago, allegedly for posting her personal info. She's sure it's either Mason or I and has been gnashing her teeth because we're still here. Funny how the mods don't agree.

I'd like to reveal MAGAt was -----,PM me.