Barron Trump bullied

You and yours were gleeful on learning of the bullying. I believe the first reply was, "Who cares?" Most of the thread is about excusing it because of who his father is. It includes wild predictions. Anyone can read the thread.

Now, you make it clear that you have lost your composure. I invite you to have the last word on this subject.

You are reading impaired.

The anonymous source says Barron is being bullied over his father's affair with Stormy Daniels.
Well how much do you care about starving ME or African kids who are also being killed every day in endless tribal wars? But you show no compassion for a child simply because his parents have money. By your standards I'm a much better Christian than you are sport.

So what kind of craven, chickenshit rwnj deflection are you attempting to pull out of your ass now, Feable Eye? How many ME or African kids and their parents are trying to cross the Mexican border to find safety and employment in the US, but can't because Democrats are blocking them?

NONE, that's how many!!! ZERO!!!!

But I can guarantee you one thing.... if there WERE kids and families from the ME and Africa trying to come into the US, they'd have a damned site better chance with me and the party I support than with you and yours.

If you fucks are drooling over the idea of a 2,000 mile long, 30' high wall across the southern border to keep hungry Mexican children out, why would anyone believe you'd be anymore civilized towards dark skinned hungry children from other foreign countries??

Answer: nobody would believe it. You and your side would be exactly the same pitiless, stone-hearted pigs towards them as you are towards Mexican children.

Now go somewhere and fuck yourself, you phony, fake-Christian poser scumbag.
You and yours were gleeful on learning of the bullying. I believe the first reply was, "Who cares?" Most of the thread is about excusing it because of who his father is. It includes wild predictions. Anyone can read the thread.

That's right and I posted it because IDGAF. Trump's little spoiled brat is undergoing the same kind of teasing and getting ragged on that probably half or better of every kid who's ever attended school has had to put up with. The difference with little Lord Baron is that unlike most people, his parents have the means to take him out of it and put him somewhere else. You Trumptards are making it sound like he's getting his ass beat everyday, when in fact, it's probably just some little girls being bitchy at him.


Tell him to man up and deal with it.
So what kind of craven, chickenshit rwnj deflection are you attempting to pull out of your ass now, Feable Eye? How many ME or African kids and their parents are trying to cross the Mexican border to find safety and employment in the US, but can't because Democrats are blocking them?

NONE, that's how many!!! ZERO!!!!

But I can guarantee you one thing.... if there WERE kids and families from the ME and Africa trying to come into the US, they'd have a damned site better chance with me and the party I support than with you and yours.

If you fucks are drooling over the idea of a 2,000 mile long, 30' high wall across the southern border to keep hungry Mexican children out, why would anyone believe you'd be anymore civilized towards dark skinned hungry children from other foreign countries??

Answer: nobody would believe it. You and your side would be exactly the same pitiless, stone-hearted pigs towards them as you are towards Mexican children.

Now go somewhere and fuck yourself, you phony, fake-Christian poser scumbag.

Thank you for showing how truly Christian you are! OOOOOOOOOh it's all about the children but only those children that have parents who will vote Democrat. Typical fucking leftie use children to justify your support of people breaking our laws just so your party can regain power. You make me sick you fucking dirtbag!
Thank you for showing how truly Christian you are! OOOOOOOOOh it's all about the children but only those children that have parents who will vote Democrat. Typical fucking leftie use children to justify your support of people breaking our laws just so your party can regain power. You make me sick you fucking dirtbag!

How do you feel about Trump's behavior and humiliating his wives and children?
Just what does that have to do with Barron being bullied or starving children? Get back to me when you have an answer.
Somehow ... I'd bet none of the Trump Boys would last five minutes in Public School.

They're just like their Father ... all Talk .. Zero Balls to back it up.
Thank you for showing how truly Christian you are! OOOOOOOOOh it's all about the children but only those children that have parents who will vote Democrat. Typical fucking leftie use children to justify your support of people breaking our laws just so your party can regain power. You make me sick you fucking dirtbag!

Show me where and when I ever claimed to be a Christian, Feable Eye.

If I'm not one of the ones making the claim of being a "good Christian", then you can't hold me to the standards that being a "good Christian" requires one to live up to.

Do you understand how that works, you feable-minded, Feable Eyed idiot?

And your tired old claims about how it's all about Democrats gaining votes is too absurd to even address, since undocumented immigrants CANNOT AND DO NOT VOTE.


That anyone other than yourself and your fellow drooling redneck peckerwood knuckledraggers can make you sick is just proof that your are a ChINO... Christian In Name Only.

With you scum, it's all about the children but only those children that have parents who you are 100% certain will NOT vote Democrat. Typical fucking rightie use children to justify your support of treating poor, desperate people like garbage just so your party can maintain power. You make me sick you fucking dirtbag!

Go ass-fuck yourself with a stick of lit dynamite, Feable Eye.
Show me where and when I ever claimed to be a Christian, Feable Eye.

If I'm not one of the ones making the claim of being a "good Christian", then you can't hold me to the standards that being a "good Christian" requires one to live up to.

Do you understand how that works, you feable-minded, Feable Eyed idiot?

And your tired old claims about how it's all about Democrats gaining votes is too absurd to even address, since undocumented immigrants CANNOT AND DO NOT VOTE.


That anyone other than yourself and your fellow drooling redneck peckerwood knuckledraggers can make you sick is just proof that your are a ChINO... Christian In Name Only.

With you scum, it's all about the children but only those children that have parents who you are 100% certain will NOT vote Democrat. Typical fucking rightie use children to justify your support of treating poor, desperate people like garbage just so your party can maintain power. You make me sick you fucking dirtbag!

Go ass-fuck yourself with a stick of lit dynamite, Feable Eye.

Poor Noballs is having fantasies of being ass fucked by every liberal guy here.
Barron Trump Is Reportedly Being Bullied At School

JUSTIN CARUSO 05/02/2018

According to a new report, Barron Trump is facing bullying at school over his father.

Hollywood Life reports that the youngest Trump is “Reportedly getting bullied for his father’s current problems. ‘Worst of all, her heart breaks for her son who gets regularly teased at school and has a hard time defending his father to his classmates,’ the insider shared.”

“It’s so unfortunate for someone so young and innocent to have to deal with that so we definitely hope that Barron and Melania feel better soon,” the article continues.

I smell the stench of fake news, but nice try.