Dixie - In Memoriam
New member
You DO realize we can still SEE your prior posts on this thread... Don't you?
I never stated or implied that top marginal rates were the same as capital gains. This is simply your idiotic attempt to spin your way out of what you stated earlier.
That said, I do agree that as long as there is a corporate income tax, capital gain tax rate reductions will TEND to stimulate the economy. There are no absolutes when it comes to how changes in taxes effect the economy ditzie.
Yes, and do you realize not one place do I ever indicate eliminating the top marginal income tax, as you claimed I had said? There is no "tend" to it, every time we've ever reduced it, that is precisely what has happened as a result, without fail. I'm not spinning anything, I am not making shit up, it's just a plain old ordinary fact of the matter, when we reduce to top marginal tax rate, the economy always prospers.
So your attempt to 'get back on the topic' is to deliver a paragraph ranting about something that is completely inconsequential to the topic. I corrected you because you were WRONG. Now you spent the above paragraph again trying to spin your way out of your moronic statement. It is not 'semantics'... it is FACT.
No, you corrected me because you misinterpreted my usage of the word "securities" when I was talking about "secure investment" and I clarified what I meant to say, and you have persisted with the argument. Like I said, if you have some need to be right, so be it... has nothing to do with what we are discussing here. Again, no spin.. just fact. People are investing in secure things, even when the return is minimal, they don't care... because they are unsure of things with this administration in power.
Again... you are pretending that the tbill rates at zero and high gold prices are due to Obama getting elected. That is quiet simply ABSURD
Call it whatever you like, the fact remains t-bill rates are at zero and gold price is through the roof... which can only mean one thing, right? I mean, if everyone were selling gold and t-bills, the price would be dropping, correct? But they obviously aren't doing that, are they? No, they aren't! Whatever theory you may have for it, is fine, but I think it's because this administration has sent some alarming and distressing messages to the business/corporate sector, and investors just don't trust what's coming down the pike.
People are concerned right now due to the lack of CREDIT. Which is causing them to 'not move forward' with projects and plans.
So what do you propose we do? Have government mandate they make loans to people who don't qualify for them? Seems we've been down that road before, haven't we? Look, if the economy turns around, and people start investing again, creating new jobs, stimulating the economy with investment capital, the banks will again start lending money and all will be well with the world. You are focused on one isolated problem that is only a problem because the economy is in the crapper right now.
So to you... gold doesn't traditionally 'lose money'???? Tell that to those that held gold throughout the 1990's. Like every other asset category... Gold most certainly CAN lose value.
No, gold traditionally doesn't lose money over the long haul. Most people with an ounce of fucking common sense, knows that. I didn't say that gold NEVER loses money... please stop trying to contort my words into things I haven't said, it's annoying as piss!
also... you did not answer my question... If those smart wealthy investors were pulling their money out of the market when they found out that 'da evilz Obama was going to get elected'.... AND they are not investing today because 'they are a scared of future changes by the government'.... then WHY dear ditzie did the market rebound from March until now?
Do explain that phenomenon to us ditzie....
Well, we've dumped about a trillion dollars into the economy in various forms, the treasury is printing money as fast as the presses will run, and that is going into the economy... so, I think all that influx of government money is having some slight effect on the market... plus the fact that investors want to be optimistic... they want to believe we've turned the corner and things are better now... so yes, we are seeing a little more market activity... but real growth? Not really! Nothing to create new jobs or stimulate expansion of business is happening right now. The market is always going to go up and down, people will invest in a terrible market on the chance things may improve and they make a fortune... it is not always a good (or reasonable) indicator of the economy.