The 38 percent approval is perhaps
the best news in the poll when looking at how Americans see the president's performance on individual issues. "Brutal" is almost a generous way to describe it.
Biden is at 32 percent approval with independents, the people who decide elections in battleground states such as Georgia, Arizona, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Nevada.
On his handling of the economy, which was in the midst of a V-shaped recovery when Biden took office, he's 16 points under water (39 percent approve, 55 percent disapprove). On taxes, the president is 17 points under water.
On the southern border, where the U.S. is on pace to eclipse 2.3 million people crossing illegally this year, he's at 23 percent approval. That's less than one in four Americans approving. By the way, 2.3 million people is equivalent to the population of the nation's fourth-largest city, Houston.
On Biden's job as commander in chief of the U.S. military, 37 percent approve while 58 percent disapprove.
But here's why these polling numbers aren't just part of the usual peaks and valleys that every president endures: On the question of whether the administration - not just Biden - is competently running the government, just 42 percent say it is doing so.
"Biden has a lower approval rating at this point in his term than all but two presidents since 1945, so if he's going to regain his popularity, he's got an unusually big hole to dig himself out of," FiveThirtyEight concludes.
And that's where it's hard to see how Biden, who turns 79 years old next month, turns this around by making his arguments on how to fix X, Y and Z and beyond.
His handlers apparently remain petrified to allow him to speak beyond reading off a teleprompter. A recent embarrassing display during an Oval Office meeting with British Prime Minister Boris Johnson underscores this: Johnson took questions from the British press as the two men sat next to each other. But when it was the American media's turn to ask questions of the U.S. president, Biden's handlers shouted reporters out of the room.
Just 44 percent of Americans now believe Biden is honest, down 7 points in the same poll in April.
Add it all up, and we have a flailing economy, rising inflation, rising crime, essentially an open border and a mess in Afghanistan. While all of this is happening, the president and vice president are shielded from the public outside of tightly scripted events.
If these polls and others like them are any indication, Team Biden needs to make some serious changes, and quickly - because whatever plan it had to script this presidency clearly isn't working.