Bay Area not maverick enough to read Palin book

There are no dumbasses in cali, the bankrupt state
Ya'll have gangs galore, prisons galore and a fair share of rightwingers too.

Ha, nice retort.

No shit man, as state that elects governor Moonbeam*, governor Raygun, and Governor Terminator deserves a load of flak.

As for rightwing-ism, yo man, I’m totally acquainted with the rightwing parts of cali. You could drop Bakersfield or Redding into the middle of west texas and they would fit right in without missing a beat. Check it out, I actually had to endure some Fresno boys telling me about the awesomeness of Creation Science. Good times!

* p.s, I actually dig Governor Moonbeam
Dude, I'm jealous as fuck that you live in Cali, and Berkley/San Fran is where I aspire to. But I don't fool myself into thinking its perfect. There are plenty limosine leberals who thaink like this.
"I am not a creationist, I am not pro-life, I have never shot a moose. Nor is my culinary specialty an Alaskan dish called "moose chili." Here on the Left Coast, along with our hummus, we prefer "turkey chili," which is perhaps less gamey and lower in fat but in the end, I ask you, is it really more humane? (Who killed the turkey? Was it a person or a corporation? This Trader Joe's we speak of -- is he union? Is his name actually "Joe"? And what is his relation to Big Oil's manipulation of the rising price of Bristol Bay canned fishery salmon to 27 cents a pound?) These are the complexities one ponders at night while falling asleep under the gristly if at times oddly tasty caribou stew that is Sarah Palin's new 400-plus-page memoir.
and their old tired line, I hope she runs we will win..well if they really felt that way they wouldn't be going out of their way now to try and DESTROY her..but guess what, she isn't going anywhere...I hope to see some lefty mental breakdowns before the next Presidential election..some are getting close the author of this article I

She's shallow, clueless and a quitter. No worries from me.

hell you all openly support aborting a healthy baby as a "woman's choice" so why should you keep one that is going to have special needs..

Liberals also believe in a "woman's choice" to keep her special need child if that is her wish.

A pity the Republican party expect every woman to listen to what they say she can and can't do with her body.

Yeah, let's leave the decisions made about a woman's body to a bunch of toe-tapping old men hiding out in airport restrooms.