BBC Hides Bias

So the telly tax is optional US? I didn't know it was optional. LOL

Only some money for NPR? Guess that make it okay.
The government taxes the people and uses the money to run the TV station... Their employees are employed by that government. Pretending otherwise is pretense.
the bbc and npr both are very liberal, both very anti goverment and both get major funding by the very goverments that they attack.
so then this whole thing is an internal government matter Damo ?
Right.... Just as when the IRS goes to court here it is an "Internal Government Matter"...

Come on! Must you be deliberately disingenuous? It isn't too hard to figure out that people who are dependant on government for paychecks are often liberal.
That is exactly an example of the lies told by the BBC. The fake claims of Corrie. Disproved by every rational news organization in the world. A PERFECT EXAMPLE OF FAKE NEWS

What fake news, what fake claims? Disproved by Whom? Post at least one link to Rachel Corrie's fake claims and one link to the refutation of those fake claims.

What are you trying to hide?

Well toby where are the answers to these pertinent questions???

What are you trying to hide???
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Right.... Just as when the IRS goes to court here it is an "Internal Government Matter"...

Come on! Must you be deliberately disingenuous? It isn't too hard to figure out that people who are dependant on government for paychecks are often liberal.

And are often conservative as well. I am just following you line of logic Damo.
the news media MUST question the government or they are just a propaganda outlet. Label them liberal if you want.
And are often conservative as well. I am just following you line of logic Damo.
the news media MUST question the government or they are just a propaganda outlet. Label them liberal if you want.
Except in this case. It is like taking the IRS to court. They are part of the government trying to hide something from the people. Pretending otherwise when they are funded by and are employees of the government is just ignoring what is before your face.

This is using sunshine laws to get the government to release a report it doesn't want released. This particular bureaucracy is protecting itself like others. This would be like the IRS attempting to stuff a report into the ether that was unpleasant news for them.

I am using my own logic as well. Except mine actually makes sense...

"It isn't run by the govnernment.." is not logical.
That is exactly an example of the lies told by the BBC. The fake claims of Corrie. Disproved by every rational news organization in the world. A PERFECT EXAMPLE OF FAKE NEWS

What fake news, what fake claims? Disproved by Whom? Post at least one link to Rachel Corrie's fake claims and one link to the refutation of those fake claims.

What are you trying to hide?

Well toby where are the answers to these pertinent questions???

What are you trying to hide???

I'm still waiting for the least smidgen of evidence to substantiate your obviously false claims. When are you going to stop lying on this board toby??????
Hmm, perhaps the British govt has more control of the BBC than most had thought.

The British government supports Israeli terrorism.

The BBC points out what it is.

This report is arse. Any criticism of the actions of the Israelis is deemed 'anti-Israeli' these days.

Good for the BBC for showing both sides instead of the appalling bias that you see towards Israel on the US news networks.
There was a report by the goverment of the UK on the BBC objectivity.

The British government is biased towards Israel. Any criticism of the Israelis is deemed 'anti Israeli'.

This is a political report by the British government designed to embarrass the BBC because it didn't follow the government line during the recent wars.

You have no clue at all toby...
You want to talk about bias, check out ABC news.

On Tuesday, the day when James Baker's call for a change of direction due to mission failure in Iraq is revealed, did it mention it?

Did it bollocks. It had lots of 'feel good' stories about American's breeding like rabbits and overfilling the world with 300 bloody million of you.

ALL the US news channels are so pro-Israeli it is shocking.

The BBC broadcasts things that might embarrass the government or be uncomfortable viewing, but it isn't as myopic as the US news networks.

If it weren't for the internet, the US would have a NK style news set-up.
That is exactly an example of the lies told by the BBC. The fake claims of Corrie. Disproved by every rational news organization in the world. A PERFECT EXAMPLE OF FAKE NEWS

What fake claims?

Eye witnesses state that the bulldozer repeatedly ran over her.

The IDF's story has chopped and changed repeatedly as they try to smarm themselves out of it by suckering dumb fucking Americans like you toby.

First they claim that she was killed by rubble cleared by the bulldozer... then they claimed the bulldozer was clearing bush and not demolishing buildings, then they claim she was interfering with the illegal terrorist action of the IDF bulldozing Palestinian homes.
That is exactly an example of the lies told by the BBC. The fake claims of Corrie. Disproved by every rational news organization in the world. A PERFECT EXAMPLE OF FAKE NEWS

What fake claims?

Eye witnesses state that the bulldozer repeatedly ran over her.

The IDF's story has chopped and changed repeatedly as they try to smarm themselves out of it by suckering dumb fucking Americans like you toby.

First they claim that she was killed by rubble cleared by the bulldozer... then they claimed the bulldozer was clearing bush and not demolishing buildings, then they claim she was interfering with the illegal terrorist action of the IDF bulldozing Palestinian homes.

You notice of course that since I began asking toby to substantiate his lies with some evidence he hasn't been posting for some unexplained reason.
You notice of course that since I began asking toby to substantiate his lies with some evidence he hasn't been posting for some unexplained reason.

He's a fuck-wad, that's why...
Glad to see you agree with me on this Any :)
Toby can't explain anything, it is all a mystery to him so he just parrots bushie talking points.
Like that commie would give any information that is deragatory to the BBC, yeahsureright

Derogatory, you illiterate moron...
the bbc and npr both are very liberal, both very anti goverment and both get major funding by the very goverments that they attack.

npr and pbs I believe, gets 90% nof their financing from the PRIVATE SECTOR DONATIONS....

npr/pbs get less than 10% of their funding from a government grant....