BBC: MLK Video, "I see a black President within 40 years."

Bac have you read Dreams From my Father? If so, what did you think of it?

I've read both his books .. they're OK .. nothing to shout about in my opinion. They were both tedious reading.

More importantly than his books, I've read his history. Much more telling.
I've read both his books .. they're OK .. nothing to shout about in my opinion. They were both tedious reading.

More importantly than his books, I've read his history. Much more telling.

Well I have only read Dreams from my father, and I do find it kind of hard to believe, from reading that, that he has no, what you term, black consciousness. But we will see. It's going to be interesting to find out.
Well I have only read Dreams from my father, and I do find it kind of hard to believe, from reading that, that he has no, what you term, black consciousness. But we will see. It's going to be interesting to find out.

No, he doesn't have it .. although he doesn't have to have it to be the president. The reason some called Clinton the black president is because he demonstrated an affinity for some of its values.

As you say, this is going to be very interesting.
Perhaps, but I don't let ethnic identity influence my life. Of course, I hate Europe, so that really narrows it down for me...

That's wonderful. Is there a merit badge or something for that.

I've lived a very full and successful life sir, and you having no connection to your history means absolutely nothing to me. I feel a spiritual connection to my ancestors and I believe it is right to reach out to help others less fortunate than I have been.

Sorry that you have no understanding of that.
Well I have only read Dreams from my father, and I do find it kind of hard to believe, from reading that, that he has no, what you term, black consciousness. But we will see. It's going to be interesting to find out.

yeah, cause obama knows all about those typical white folks, because thats jsut how white folks will do you
That's wonderful. Is there a merit badge or something for that.

I've lived a very full and successful life sir, and you having no connection to your history means absolutely nothing to me. I feel a spiritual connection to my ancestors and I believe it is right to reach out to help others less fortunate than I have been.

Sorry that you have no understanding of that.

All of my ancestors that chose not to come to America when they had the opportunity, or that worked to make Europe a shithole so that passage became necessary...

Can Go Fuck Themselves!

There, I said it... and I feel no spiritual connection to my ancestors. I do embrace Graeco-Roman tradition, but my ancestors were Slavs, Irish, and the useless Germans.
Yet you're confused why people think you're a racist.

I'm waiting for the day when "white will do what is right."

Till, then, I'm a racist. And an ethnicist, since I think Germans are inferior to some of their white cousins, and little details like that. Of course, I'm part German...
Germany is one of the freest, most enlightened countries in the world these days. And America is a fascist shithole that has embraced Hitlers philosophy in a ways that he never even though possible.

How things change...

America deserves a blanket of nukes.
All of my ancestors that chose not to come to America when they had the opportunity, or that worked to make Europe a shithole so that passage became necessary...

Can Go Fuck Themselves!

There, I said it... and I feel no spiritual connection to my ancestors. I do embrace Graeco-Roman tradition, but my ancestors were Slavs, Irish, and the useless Germans.

That's kind of sad from my perspective .. but you are certainly free to feel however you choose about your own ancestry.

Me, I have tremendously enjoyed and appreciated the experiences I've had working with community and helping other less fortunate than I. I not only enjoyed it, I'm proud as I can be about how I went about it. I've spent time with some of the most amazing people imaginable and passed that legacy onto my children. I've taught them they can be educated, financially successful, and have a commitment to community all at the same time.

It's very spiritual.. but you either have it or you don't.
I'm waiting for the day when "white will do what is right."

Till, then, I'm a racist. And an ethnicist, since I think Germans are inferior to some of their white cousins, and little details like that. Of course, I'm part German...

There is no way in hell I'd want your sad life.

While you think others are inferior, have you taken a look in the mirror lately?

What is it about you that makes you more superior than Germans or anybody else? Seriously, I'd like to know ..
Obviously you hang around a lot of racist white people .. because the white people I hang with don't say shit like that.

Additionally, what in the hell makes you think YOU should be the judge of what I think another black person's commitment to black issues should be? From whince are you granted such authority?

Obama KNOWS the injustice of the criminal system and he KNOWS how racist it is. Do you think he's going to do anything about it?

Of course he isn't .. so what in the hell are you talking about?

Clarence Thomas has black skin .. do you think he has a black consciousness? According to you all that is required is black skin.

I never said "he isn't black enough", I said he has no black consciousness and will not address issues important to the black community.

I said there is no comparison, other than skin color, between Dr. King and a slick Chicago politician.

I said I would not tell Obama that Harriet Tubman was coming, nor would I tell him where Steve Biko was hiding.

Dude, if you don't get it .. that's cool. It's not about you.
My "you ain't black enough" isn't about what WHITE people say, it is about what blacks say about other blacks, I saw it between black soldiers in the army, I heard it with my own ears said to a girl friend because she didn't use slang when she spoke, and she told me it was what was said to her because she was a 4.0+ honor student in high school. And you are right, there are some uncle toms in this world, like Clarence Thomas, but Barack Obama is not one of them. And as Darla has pointed out, when you read his books you cannot with a straigh face say that the man has no "black consciousness". But that aside, President Obama is NOT President of White America, or Black America, but of the United States of America. And just because you are black does not make you the great arbiter of what is black. I saw lots of Black faces yesterday on the Mall in DC some where actually interviewed and THEY seem to think he is real deal. Just because he doesn't dance to your tune makes him no less black.
My "you ain't black enough" isn't about what WHITE people say, it is about what blacks say about other blacks, I saw it between black soldiers in the army, I heard it with my own ears said to a girl friend because she didn't use slang when she spoke, and she told me it was what was said to her because she was a 4.0+ honor student in high school. And you are right, there are some uncle toms in this world, like Clarence Thomas, but Barack Obama is not one of them. And as Darla has pointed out, when you read his books you cannot with a straigh face say that the man has no "black consciousness". But that aside, President Obama is NOT President of White America, or Black America, but of the United States of America. And just because you are black does not make you the great arbiter of what is black. I saw lots of Black faces yesterday on the Mall in DC some where actually interviewed and THEY seem to think he is real deal. Just because he doesn't dance to your tune makes him no less black.

Good post!

I would give you positive rep points, but you have too many now.
My "you ain't black enough" isn't about what WHITE people say, it is about what blacks say about other blacks, I saw it between black soldiers in the army, I heard it with my own ears said to a girl friend because she didn't use slang when she spoke, and she told me it was what was said to her because she was a 4.0+ honor student in high school. And you are right, there are some uncle toms in this world, like Clarence Thomas, but Barack Obama is not one of them. And as Darla has pointed out, when you read his books you cannot with a straigh face say that the man has no "black consciousness". But that aside, President Obama is NOT President of White America, or Black America, but of the United States of America. And just because you are black does not make you the great arbiter of what is black. I saw lots of Black faces yesterday on the Mall in DC some where actually interviewed and THEY seem to think he is real deal. Just because he doesn't dance to your tune makes him no less black.

You have no understandiong of what the hell you're talking about .. and being in the army and having a few black friends does not qualify you to tell me what makes someone black. Your argument is seriously STUPID .. as STUPID as me telling you how to be a white man and who you should or should not admire.

I've never once even remotely suggested that Obama should be the president of black America. However, there are issues unique to women, hispanics, the elderly, veterans, Jews, and surprise, surprise, African-Americans .. such as justice in America.

There is no fucking question whatsoever that the criminal system in America is racist and Obama knows that. It is devastating to the black community. What the fuck good is it to have a black president if he won't address black issues. It's like having the first woman president who refuses to address issues specific to women .. and I'm sure you'd have no problem with Lieberman addressing issues specific to Jews. It would be expected.

If you like the way Obama ass tastes .. good for you .. but save your fucking idiotic lectures on black people you don't know and what you think best for us. What in the fuck have you done in your life to address these issues that gives you such authority?
Black Consciuosness is often attributed to South African freedom fighter Steve Biko, but it has been around since the days of slavery in America and was originally defined by Harriet Tubman who said, "I freed a thousand slaves and I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves."

You could only tell those who possessed a black consciousness that Harriet Tubman was coming. I would not tell Barack Obama that Harriet Tubman was coming in fear that he would turn her in.

Tubman, even then did not confine her interpretation of a black consciousness to black people .. "Quakers almost as good as colored. They call themselves friends and you can trust them every time."

It is the understanding of the evil of oppression and the understanding of the evil men do.

Case in point .. African-Americans never supported the invasion of Iraq even when it was popular to do so. Had America followed the lead of black Americans this nation would be a lot better off .. and a hell of a lot of Iraqis would still be alive.

It is empathy and an affinity for oppressed people wherever and whomever they are.

African-Americans have a far different perspective of the Israel/Palestine conflict than does white America.

It is a far more critical view of politics and politicians and policies than many others may have.

thems some pretty broad strokes there. I can't even make out the picture
There is no way in hell I'd want your sad life.

While you think others are inferior, have you taken a look in the mirror lately?

What is it about you that makes you more superior than Germans or anybody else? Seriously, I'd like to know ..

You have to admit BAC has a point here, 3D.

Not even the least fashion conscious German would be caught dead in that yellow shirt you're wearing.