because no one else has..........lib'ruls like to talk about the popular vote....

Just because we avoided the totally catastrophic red wave doesn't mean that we're not fucked anyway.

This nation has devolved, sub-human mutants by the tens of millions in its electorate, and they all vote republican.

Purge, partition, or dystopia. One of the three is our immediate future, and we seem to be leaning heavily toward the third and worst choice,

sub-human mutants by the tens of millions in its electorate, and they all vote republican.

America's dirty underbelly
not complicated.......lib'ruls are always saying that the popular vote matters when it doesn't.......I'm just tossing it in their face to annoy them......

Oh, I get it.....lets annoy the democrats because that RED Wave, turned out to be a ketchup on a sanitary napkin...gotcha!!! LOLOLOLLLOLOLOLOLO

because most people would have grown frustrated with being unable to compete in the exchange of intelligent thought.......I mean considering your handicap and all........its not everyone who is totally bereft of intelligent thought you know........

Even if true, why not just put me on ignore?

The fact remains, a Satanic cocksucker like you hates people like me. I'm honest and, like the kid in The Emperor's New Clothes, not afraid to speak the truth against malicious and evil people like yourself, sir.

When you suddenly drop offline, it will be a blessing.