Beer Review: Rogue Smoked Ale


Uwaa OmO
This is my first posted beer review. I picked this up at a new beer store and must say I'm impressed with their selection. If only they let me mix and match. Oh well.

Served in special nonic pint glass from a 22oz bottle.

A: Dark golden, almost amber color. Slightly cloudy with about 1 finger of creamy white foam. Head dissipates slowly and leaves some decent lacing. On to the nose

N: Not much nose, though the malt is much more noticeable than the hops. Slight smokiness to be detected though not as much as I expected. No notes of alcohol.

T: Despite the lack of hops smell the flavor was really balanced. Starts out slightly sweet and mellows out into a nice, almost barbecue smokiness. Not at all over powering and actually very pleasant.

M: Medium light body, moderate carbonation. No noticeable alcohol here either.

D: Overall if they had these in a six pack, I could probably see myself drinking 3-4 over the course of the evening, especially at a barbecue or other summer party.

Well that's my first beer review. If you'd like to have me review another beer of your choice, feel free to donate a bottle to me

William Ballew
20767 Marter road
GPW, Mi 48236
Billy, review something from Alaskan. I won't send you a bottle, but Stout or Smoked Ale would be cool, since these are in limited production...
Billy, review something from Alaskan. I won't send you a bottle, but Stout or Smoked Ale would be cool, since these are in limited production...
Well I'd love to, but being in Detroit and all....If you don't send a bottle I won't be able to review it until I'm on the west coast.
Cool, fall works for me, too. Actually, if we ever get serious about a Youngins Convention, vote for Seattle, because I think Grind would be cool with it (he lived here for several years), and that would just leave WM to be inconvenienced...

Or we could have it on Keesler AFB. You, me, and WM could all get on, and only Grind would get screwed, but I'd only do it if I could catch a hop there and back...
My dad is an enlisted member who deals with satellite communication. I'm not sure what that gets me.

You gave me the impression he's a civillian. Okay, as a service member, he can get you a three day pass to the base, and possibly an ID, although not living on the base might exclude you from the permanent ID. Either way, three day pass is all you'd need.
The pass is easy by the way. You just go with him up to the counter at the visitor's center, and waiting in line notwithstanding, the process takes like 20 seconds, including registering your car for the 3 day pass...
By the end of the summer, my financial conditions may be in such a state that a youngins convention in another state would be plausible. Although, since I obviously make a lot less than any of the other youngins, a convention in south Mississippi would be preferable from a financial standpoint (although not from a life experiences standpoint :( ).
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