Being white is awesome

I'm assuming he's poking fun at white privilege, though?

Personally, I hate being white, because of all the evil things my race has done...
"If you're white, and you don't admit it's awesome, you're an asshole!"

This is why people hate conservatives.

I don't like being a translucent pale color, and at risk of skin cancer the minute I'm out of the shade.

But I gotta admit, white privilege is way awesome.

What other county would a protest of black dudes be construed as somehow vaguely threatening or nefarious, while a protest of old white dudes is held forth as patriotic and honorable? I ask you, is this a great country, or what!

million man march

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One thing I will say about whiteness, is that I consider it more aesthetically appealing than other races. If that makes me racist, rather than merely ethnocentric, then so be it.
i already posted this exact thing (probably like twice before) on this site. once again, everyone is playing catch up to grind
all you white people can go right on back to your former country, england. kindly leave all the hot redheaded women though. we native americans really like them.
unless your trying to dance or be really cool, then yes white is awesome.
Oh, don't trying playing corner in the NFL
I don't like being a translucent pale color, and at risk of skin cancer the minute I'm out of the shade.

But I gotta admit, white privilege is way awesome.

What other county would a protest of black dudes be construed as somehow vaguely threatening or nefarious, while a protest of old white dudes is held forth as patriotic and honorable? I ask you, is this a great country, or what!

million man march

Ahh good ole Cypress. Lord knows that the moment someone mentions race, you will come in and remind us that there are only two groups of people. Blacks and Whites.

But, truth be told, I'm not as good as you are at seeing it. So is this woman black or white?
